Silverlight 5 can flow between text boxes. I forget the tag.

[] On Behalf Of Greg Keogh
Sent: Monday, 25 June 2012 10:12 AM
To: 'ozSilverlight'
Subject: RE: Animating an image

Shane et al, after considering the structure of my app I had to create the 
animations and storyboard for the help icon in code. I have a base class for 
all of my controls containing the help icon, so it's convenient to put the 
clump of ugly code in there. However, the result is quite nice as the icon 
pulsates up and down as you mouse over.

Then I remembered I forgot something else about Silverlight ... there are no 
document classes (FlowDocument, etc). I was going to format the help text as 
nice documents, but I'll have to find another way. I think my choices are 
limited to TextBlock and <Run> for formatting. What else is there?


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