On 16/08/2014 18:22, June Gorman wrote:
the key -- and I have found this to be the hardest for those trained well in cognitive displacement of inner heart "knowing" -- is to actually understand this emotionally, not just cognitively. That's when actual human relationships are transformed, when we forge the paths of learning from each other that do not deny our different ways of understanding, but actually balances them so we can hear the gifts offered by that very "difference". Over cultures and histories, as well as genders.

Anyway, critical to deconstruct as it so often is the underlying root of much of the dissension and "will to power over others" that is taught at the root of patriarchy but not, as this piece suggests and all my historical work has found as well, at the "power with one another" model at the ground of matriarchy.

The key is to teach that at the level it is most understood, the level of the emotional heart, critical to any successful parenting of any human life and ultimately the planet that supports that and all life.
Hi June, this is a very welcome statement for the list.

If I was to coin a bit of a provocation based on it - the extent to which the cognitive and action aspects of our lives are driven/shaped by our imaginal and embodied emotional agendas do seem to me to generally remain out of reach in the conversations here. But then as I well understand, this is partly due to the professional capture and sequestration of psychological knowledge by pharma and medicine. We embrace physical fitness but psy fitness still seems trapped behind the 'mental illness' fiction and off the activist and academic life agendas.

For some constructive examples of how this stranglehold on psy fitness can be contradicted, listers might like to see my FREE ebook library <http://www.mindgymnasium.com/ebooks/pages/LTHSWebSpace05.htm>, especially*John Heron: Psyche and Personhood*<http://www.mindgymnasium.com/ebooks/PDFs/PDFs/HeronPsychePersonhood.pdf> and the two videos about the psyCommons on http://psycomm...@wordpress.com.

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