Dear Anna and Denis (and anyone else interested) -

I would really enjoy further discussion on these "essential" issues I think, at 
the root of any vision for a more commons based, healthy humanity focused 
world.  I do think that these issues from childhood and learned structures of 
social vs. autonomous structures or as Denis suggests, "that political 
relationships evolve in the direction of mirroring how power is experienced via 
childcare" are too critical to remain unexplored or unexamined, as they 
consistently show up in all our communication and work together, particularly 
across the needed diversity in communication and understanding essential, imho, 
to getting to truly viable solutions.

This has been the critical focus of my own work in Transformative Education and 
the organization I started to examine these core issues, at least in 
educational models -- the Transformative Education Forum ( - new 
website) and its recent work on a potential TEF-Bristol, to be held in 
conjunction with the Bristol European Green Capital 2015 campaign.

So would love to follow up with you both, perhaps in September when you are 
back Denis and with you Anna on skype, as you suggest.  And again, with anyone 
else interested in these issues, nearby or far?

What I am personally certain of is that we are not the only ones aware of how 
critical this "learning" of internalized power structures and sense of personal 
efficacy or not, is constructed in childhood.  I believe that many corporate 
and  deeply patriarchal/hierarchical based ideologies have also seen fit to 
enter and control earlier childhood educational systems that had before been 
left more primarily to women as unvalued "women's work" extensions of child 
rearing.  My work has shown me how very consciously and ultimately 
destructively this started in the US in the mid-1970's and is now being 
exported to educational systems around the world.  It is why even now in the 
UK, "No Child Left Behind" (even under the same name!), increased standardized 
testing and the corporate-backed push for more use of "instructional 
technology" -- a playbook drawn up by the same corporate-patriarchal control 
now dominant in the US educational system -- have become
 the newest "innovations" pushed by the current UK administration.  And in 
other places (e.g. Africa), particularly the replacement of indigenous teachers 
by computers, argued for by "economic expediency".  (It is not obviously, that 
the technology cannot be a helpful tool educationally, but I believe it is 
critical to understand how that depends upon who controls it and for what ends 
and what indigenous and more human-oriented learning it is indeed used to 

At any rate, would very much enjoy further discussion on these critical issues 
and will be in touch with you both and anyone else who would like to join us in 
that discussion.

 From: Anna <>
To: "" <>; P2P Foundation mailing list 
Cc: June Gorman <>; "" 
<>; "" 
Sent: Wednesday, August 20, 2014 8:42 AM
Subject: Re: [P2P-F] Fwd: Matriarchal Studies

Hi June and Denis,

Unfortunately I am in West Yorkshire, not in London, but I would be interested 
to join your discussion. By Skype?

I also believe that child rearing practices form a foundation of later values. 
Many political radicals ignore this aspect of their own behaviour with regard 
to their own families, perhaps as a result of their own experience as a child.


On 20 Aug 2014, at 07:16, Denis Postle <> wrote:

On 19/08/2014 17:09, June Gorman wrote:

I understand that internal need created by the initial "innocence" fracture, 
taught in sexist, racist. classist societies that want to maintain that 
inequitable status quo, but I don't think we can continue to suggest we can 
truly get anywhere different if we don't start acknowledging and addressing it, 
in all of us who came from those kinds of societies.
>It is therefore, and unfortunately because truly difficult work, not at all 
>peripheral to these essential questions of sustainability and healthiness of 
>humanity and the planet, but the core issues to address in truly getting to 
>anywhere socially, economically and emotionally different.
Yes indeed.

I have been baffled for some time about how to introduce these
    concerns and what has been learned, however as you say this is
    'tough stuff'.

Maybe some kind of face to face inquiry node on these topics
    alongside the list would be valuable. And if we are both in London
    (and anyone else, I am also based in Brussels) we could perhaps see
    if that idea had legs. I'll send my contact details off-line.

A last thought that might nourish anyone looking in, or draw acute
    scepticism! Few people seem in touch with the long term research of
    the psychohistorians. A key element of their study of the evolution
    of childhood and its relation to political realities suggests that
    the possible politics to some degree tracks changes in child,
    especially infant, child care. ie that political relationships
    elvolve in the direction of mirroring how power is experienced via
    childcare. It could be that the extent to which men are much more
    involved in childcare and that it seems increasingly more
    child-centered, might result in a contradiction of patriarchal
    politics. This has been my personal or local experience. Your

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