Can you tell us why BitTorrent, Inc. is not opening this protocol? At  
this point UT is like Skype, a proprietary piece that I won't touch it  
with a 10 foot pole.


On Dec 1, 2008, at 3:18 PM, Jan Brittenson wrote:

> Serguei Osokine wrote:
>> On Monday, December 01, 2008 David Barrett wrote:
>>> Saw uTorrent switched to UDP:
>>> http://www.theregister.co.uk/2008/12/01/ 
>>> richard_bennett_utorrent_udp/
>> Is it just me, or this article is really unnecessarily alarmist?
>> Richard Bennett describes the situation as if there is no congestion
>> control in the UDP file transfer protocol used by uTorrent, which
>> I find a bit hard to believe.
> There is congestion control.  And the idea with using their custom
> transport is that its congestion controller yields to TCP and
> uncontrolled UDP (VoIP etc).  Ease of NAT traversal is more or less
> a freebie, although a nice one.  Unfortunately I have a disclosure
> agreement with BT so can't share more than what you could find out
> with a managed switch, Ethereal and a bit of skilled sleuthing.  But
> since I'm no longer in their employ, I can at least save you the
> effort.  It's very much congestion controlled.
>> Is this really the case? I cannot imagine how the data transfer
>> protocol without any congestion control can possibly exist
> Of course not.  That would be asinine.
> I started the code to do r-v NAT traversal in uT.  Don't know if
> they use this or started over with a different scheme.  NAT traversal
> is pretty easy, unlike UDP congestion control over the public  
> Internet,
> which falls in the category of rocket science IMO.  STUN isn't used,
> but could be employed to optimize r-v selection and skipping  
> connections
> that can't succeed.
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