Olá tudos,

I'm not an expert in P2P things, so be kind with me ;) However, with P2P 
file-sharing, we are always at the border of legal things. So I have to 
"legal" questions about this "Locality" concept.

1. Does "the idea to keep a fraction of the peer-to-peer traffic local 
to each ISP" mean that "the ISPs store partially or completely some of 
the exchanged files"?

If the above statement is right then, in some countries, that would move 
them to the "dark side" (illegal) of the force, since they probably 
won't own the rights corresponding to all these files...

2. Does "the idea to keep a fraction of the peer-to-peer traffic local 
to each ISP" mean to prevent a peer from 1 ISP to connect to a peer of 
another ISP?

If this is right, doesn't that violate the ISP-user contract (of 
providing access to the full-Internet)? Or even contradict more general 
"freedom of speech" laws? Particularly, if the blocking process occurs 
transparently for the user?

I'm particularly thinking about some trials that I read about recently 
about some ISPs intercepting the 404 errors and redirected to their own 
404 management page. I think I read that the ISPs lost the trials under 
the reason they are acting like evedroppers/"hackers" of the users' traffic.

Note: This is the case here, in Brazil, with Speedy ISP. When you enter 
a wrong URL, it gives you a 'Speedy'  page with a (sponsored... by Y!, 
notto cite it) search engine. It's very annoying, because the browser 
does not get the error (404) and therefore cannot act like it is 
configured to (for instance, if I type "www.test", my FF2.0 is normally 
configured to try to complete the URL with .com, etc.).



Guillaume MULLER
Post-Doc - Sala C2-50
Laboratório de Técnicas Inteligentes (LTI)
Depto. Eng. Computação e Sistemas Digitai(PCS)
Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo
Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto, 158 travessa 3
05508-900 - São Paulo - SP - Brasil
Tel: +55 11 3091 5397
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