
Throughout this list's long and successful history, the moderation  
policy has been very simple: you have to subscribe in order to post.   
(I elected to enact this simple and public policy over Bram's  
original proposal, which if I recall correctly had something to do  
with not inviting Oskar.  :-))

In addition to that, I have a few times over the years sent private e- 
mail to specific people, suggesting that their contributions to the  
list could be improved in one way or another.

When CFPs and announcements of conferences started getting posted to  
this list, I decided to continue with the same policy -- non- 
subscribers who sent CFPs got the standard rejection message,  
subscribers who sent CFPs got through.

However the rate of CFPs has climbed, and recently I've started to  
wonder if the ratio of CFPs to actual conversation might deter  
conversation, new subscribers, etc.  I wouldn't want that.  Oh!  I  
have an idea, how about if I set up a separate list named p2p-hackers- 
announce for CFPs?

Please let me know what you think, publicly or privately -- option A:  
laissez faire, status quo, et cetera; option B: I create p2p-hackers- 
announce and start asking anyone who posts CFPs to this list to  
please direct them to that list.

By the way, I'm looking for a job and/or funding for my open source  
project: #  
tahoe needs funding! (and Zooko is available for work!)


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