Hi all,

Overlay Weaver 0.9.7 is available.

  Overlay Weaver: An Overlay Construction Toolkit

It is a library and an emulation toolkit for (structured) overlays.

>From the last announce in May 2008 it has been enhanced much.
I would appreciate if you are interested in them.

Follows are extracted topics:

  October 26, 2009
    Version 0.9.7 released.

      * Jetty was updated from 6.1.20 to 7.0.0.

  September 20, 2009
    Version 0.9.6 released.

      * Emulator supports event-driven emulation,
        not only real time emulation.
        It works suplying --eventdriven option to owemu command.
        Note that in event-driven mode commands run serially, not in parallel.

  May 17, 2009
    Version 0.9.4 released.

      * Web interface of DHT shell can show a routing path
        on a geographical map (Google Maps).
        Screenshots and demo page has screenshots.
        Nodes on PlanetLab shows such a map: http://pl.shudo.net:3998/

  May 1, 2009
    Version 0.9.2 released.

      * Emulator uses thread pools to exploit parallelism
        between "control" commands.
      * Kinds of useful thread pool implementations (ow.util.concurrent.*)
        were provided.
      * Overload / clock-jump detection and adaptation mechanisms
        were improved.

  April 18, 2009
    Version 0.9.1 released.

      * Confirmed that an Emulator can host 250,000 nodes
        with 7550 megabytes of heap (java -Xmx7550m).
        More nodes will be able to run and being tested.

  March 31, 2009
    Demonstration videos provided on the "Screenshots, Video and Demo" page.

      * "Overlay Visualizer"
      * "DNS Emulation with over 500 nodes on PlanetLab"

  December 7, 2008
    Version 0.9 released.

      * Provides an Overlay-Weaver-based memcached implementation
        It is rather a technology demonstration than practical one today.
      * A DHT shell can run as an OASIS-enabled service (web site)
        with a --oasis option.
        We can reach a node on PlanetLab via http://oweaver.nyuld.net:3998/.

  May 6, 2008
    Version 0.8.4 released.

      * Messaging service for Emulator can add communication latency
        to each message delivery.

  Kazuyuki Shudo        2...@shudo.net          http://www.shudo.net/

> Message-Id: <20060117.002110.424245970.sh...@aist.go.jp>
> Subject: [p2p-hackers] Overlay Weaver: An Overlay Construction Toolkit
> From: sh...@computer.org
> Date: Tue, 17 Jan 2006 00:21:10 +0900 (JST)

> I'm pleased to announce the initial release of Overlay Weaver.
>   Overlay Weaver: An Overlay Construction Toolkit
>   http://overlayweaver.sf.net/
> It supports overlay algorithm designers in addition to application
> developers.
> For application developers, the toolkit provides a common API for
> higher-level services such as distributed hashtable (DHT) and
> multicast.  Applications relying on the common API depend no specific
> transport protocol, database implementation and routing algorithm.
> The toolkit provides multiple routing algorithms, Chord, Kademlia,
> Pastry and Tapestry. These algorithms could be implemented only in
> hundreds lines of code because of routing layer decomposition. Routing
> layer under the higher-level services has been decomposed into
> multiple components, routing driver, routing algorithm and messaging
> service. The decomposition also facilitates implementation of a new
> algorithm. A newly implemented algorithm can be tested, evaluated and
> compared on emulator, which can host thousands of virtual nodes It
> enables large-scale emulation and fair comparison between algorithms.
> Features:
> - Implemented in Java 5.
>   (except part of IPv4 multicast router which is in C.)
> - Provides multiple routing algorithms, Chord, Kademlia, Pastry and Tapestry.
> - Two routing drivers respectively performing iterative and recursive routing
>   work with all routing algorithm (except recursive routing with Kademlia).
> - Provides a distributed environment emulator. It has demonstrated
>   that it can host 4000 (virtual) nodes on a single 32 bit computer
>   with 1 GB memory.
> - There are multiple implementations of communication layer,
>   with UDP, TCP and emulated messaging layer.
>   Note that the UDP implementation does UDP hole punching.
> - A visualization tool, Messaging Visualizer provided.
>   It shows nodes and communications just in time
>   and works both on the emulator and a real network.
> There are screenshots and a demonstration provided on the web site.
> Please take a look.
> We have written a paper but now it's in Japanese. I will prepare an
> English paper in few months.
> We'd appreciate activities utilizing this toolkit such as application
> development, algorithm researches, testbed construction and operation.
> We'll support them. Please contact us or subscribe a mailing list.
> Thanks,
p2p-hackers mailing list

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