> The key to the Pirate Pay attack is that you can selectively target
> buckets by injecting new nodes into the DHT at will.

Why not simply tie the node_id to the public IP of a node?

Getting an IP with an 'interesting' hash would be pretty hard 
(even with IPv6) and the change would be very simple to implement.

The only tricky part would be to learn the own (public IP), but it 
wouldn't be a major problem:

Nodes with an existing connection already know their own IP 
(Eproto-enabled clients can learn it during the handshake) and the 
DHT could be changed to return the remote_ip if a node sends an RPC 
with an invalid hash.

 RFC 1925:
   (11) Every old idea will be proposed again with a different name and
        a different presentation, regardless of whether it works.

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