Hi David -

This is Java app built over the WiredReach Platform (http:// www.wiredreach.org) which in turn is built over several open source technologies: Eclipse, JXTA, Smack, Jena, Jetty, etc.

Our goal really is to bring p2p like functionality to people that either cannot use p2p in their networks (IT depts), or are scared of it (negative press). We figured that by taking a p2pweb approach we eliminate half the battle. In addition to email and webserver functionality, the central servers also provide user authentication, discovery and p2pweb gateway functionality - serving effectively as a central rendezvous service that can resolve a web url to one or machine endpoints.

DHT is used to connect peers already in JXTA and we additionally plan on using it to locate content in the network. There is currently a limitation that requires a user's machine to be online to serve up a file. We would like to treat all content as first level objects in the network and allow them to be served from one or machines either owned or leased by the user and/or his contacts.

Would love to hear any other feedback/questions you may have...



On May 9, 2006, at 12:28 AM, David Barrett wrote:

Looks very cool!  Can you give a quick overview of how it works?

I see you have Mac, Win, and (soon) Linux ports. Are you using Java, or
what language?

You have some servers in place, clearly, to send out emails and manage the webserver. Do you use these servers as a central rendezvous service, or do
you have some DHT to connect peers?

What other neat things are going on under the hood?


-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:p2p-hackers- [EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Ash Maurya
Sent: Saturday, May 06, 2006 7:10 AM
To: Peer-to-peer development.
Subject: [p2p-hackers] Introducing BoxCloud

Hi all,

Wanted to share a new service we just launched called BoxCloud: A
dead simple way to share files with people you know.

The part we are really excited about is the ability to share files
with others right from your desktop but have them view them over a
browser - with no additional software required. We strongly believe
blurring the boundaries between the desktop and the web (User Centric
Web or P2PWeb) needs to happen and creates more interesting
opportunities for mash-ups. Head on over to http://www.boxcloud.com
if you are interested...


Founder, WiredReach
company: http://www.wiredreach.com
weblog: http://www.wiredjournal.com
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