On Wed, 27 Feb 2002, Tony Bowden wrote:

> On Wed, Feb 27, 2002 at 11:45:03AM +0000, Matt Sergeant wrote:
> > > Do you think Class::DBI currently gets it wrong? For the most part it's
> > > database agnostic. I'm only adding this facility as there are now a few
> > > subclasses which provide certain database specific functionality ...
> > Probably not, but then it doesn't provide access to certain lower-level DB
> > stuff like date formats, or optimisation. But then I haven't used
> > Class::DBI, so I couldn't say for certain. Does it, for example, support
> > outer joins?
> Depends on what you mean by 'support' :)
> Class::DBI doesn't try to do very much for you. It basically provides
> a very simple abstraction layer of the "table -> class, row -> object,
> column -> method" variety. And then it lets you create, retrieve,
> search etc.
> It supports simple relationships, and lets you write the others yourself.
> As you can write any SQL as (inheritable) class data, it will technically
> 'support' any construct you want.

Right, so how would I go about writing an application that used Class::DBI
that absolutely needed outer joins (say, for example, a bulletin board
type application that supported anonymous postings), and I wanted it to
work cross platform?

<!-- Matt -->
<:->Get a smart net</:->

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