On Fri, 22 Mar 2002, brian moseley wrote:

> On Fri, 22 Mar 2002, Matt Sergeant wrote:
> > The problem with lack of timers and "in the future"
> > events made me switch a lot of my server work from
> > mod_perl to POE. Despite your fears about cooperative
> > multitasking (yes it's a pain, but there are
> > work-arounds), it's a very nice platform to develop for,
> > IMHO.
> every time i look at poe my head spins and i am reminded
> exactly how much of a novice i really am.

I had this problem too, until I figured out that it's just terminology
that was confusing me. That's why I'm giving a POE tutorial at the perl
conference this year to help clear up some of this confusion. Conceptually
POE is actually really simple, once you get past the documentation ;-)

<!-- Matt -->
<:->Get a smart net</:->

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