
Does anyone on this list know how to make a Makefile.PL
that gets around this problem on NT (command line too long)?


Additional info I found,

NMAKE Fatal Error U1095
expanded command line 'commandline' too long
After macro expansion, the given command line exceeded the limit on length
of command lines for the operating system. If the command is for a program
that can accept command-line input from a file, change the command and
supply input from either a file on disk or an inline file. For example, LINK
and LIB accept input from a response file.

  Steve Lihn
  FIS Database Support, Merck & Co., Inc.
  Tel: (908) 423 - 4441

At 12:02 PM 3/22/2002 -0500, Lihn, Steve wrote:
>I finished perl Makefile.PL on Win NT. (P5EEx/Blue)
>But when I do nmake, I got this. I think the problem is the command line too
>Is it possible to break it down to smaller pieces?
>Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility   Version 1.50
>Copyright (c) Microsoft Corp 1988-94. All rights reserved.
>NMAKE : fatal error U1095: expanded command line 'C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe -we
>"use File::Basename; use File::Path qw(mkpath); %m=@ARGV;for (keys %m){"  -e
>"next if -e $m{$_} && -M $m{$_} < -M $_ && -M $m{$_} < -M 'Makefile';"  -e
>"print qq(Htmlifying $m{$_}\n);"  -e "$dir = dirname($m{$_}); mkpath($dir)
>unless -d $dir;"  -e "system(qq[$^X ].q["-IC:\Perl\lib" "-IC:\Perl\lib"
>C:\Perl\bin\pod2html.bat ].qq[$_>$m{$_}])==0 or warn qq(Couldn\047t install
>$m{$_}\n);"  -e "chmod(oct()), $m{$_} or warn qq(chmod  $m{$_}: $!\n);}"
>htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/Widget/HTML/ImageButton.html  P5EEx/Blue/P5EE.pm
>htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/P5EE.html  P5EEx/Blue/Widget/HTML/ValidatedTextField.pm
>htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/Widget/HTML/DateField.html  P5EEx/Blue/Serializer.pm
>htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/Serializer.html  P5EEx/Blue/Serializer/Storable.pm
>htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/Serializer/Storable.html  P5EEx/Blue/Config.pod
>htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/Config.html  P5EEx/Blue/perlstyle.pod
>htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/perlstyle.html  P5EEx/Blue/TemplateEngine.pm
>htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/TemplateEngine.html  P5EEx/Blue/Messaging.pm
>htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/Messaging.html  P5EEx/Blue/Widget/HTML/HierView.pm
>P5EEx/Blue/Widget/HTML/Button.pm  htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/Widget/HTML/Button.html
>P5EEx/Blue/UserAgent.pm  htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/UserAgent.html
>P5EEx/Blue/Service.pm  htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/Service.html
>P5EEx/Blue/SharedDatastore.pm  htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/SharedDatastore.html
>P5EEx/Blue/Widget/HTML/Select.pm  htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/Widget/HTML/Select.html
>htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/Serializer/XMLSimple.html  P5EEx/Blue/Widget/Template.pm
>htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/Widget/Template.html  P5EEx/Blue/Security.pm
>htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/Security.html  P5EEx/Blue/Repository.pm
>htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/Repository.html  P5EEx/Blue/SharedResourceSet.pm
>htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/SharedResourceSet.html  P5EEx/Blue/Context/CGI.pm
>htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/Context/CGI.html  P5EEx/Blue/LogChannel.pm
>htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/LogChannel.html  P5EEx/Blue/Serializer/Properties.pm
>htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/Serializer/Properties.html  P5EEx/Blue/Config/File.pod
>htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/Config/File.html  P5EEx/Blue/Widget/HTML/Stylizable.pm
>P5EEx/Blue/Widget/HTML/Label.pm  htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/Widget/HTML/Label.html
>P5EEx/Blue/Exceptions.pm  htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/Exceptions.html
>P5EEx/Blue/Session/Cookie.pm  htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/Session/Cookie.html
>P5EEx/Blue/Reference.pm  htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/Reference.html
>htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/Widget/HTML/TextField.html  P5EEx/Blue/Context/HTML.pm
>htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/Context/HTML.html  P5EEx/Blue/Context.pm
>htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/Context.html  P5EEx/Blue/exceptions.pod
>htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/exceptions.html  P5EEx/Blue/Widget/HTML/DateDropDowns.pm
>htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/Widget/HTML/Toolbar.html  P5EEx/Blue/Procedure.pm
>htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/Procedure.html  P5EEx/Blue/Widget/HTML/Element.pm
>htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/Widget/HTML/Element.html  P5EEx/Blue/datetime.pod
>htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/datetime.html  P5EEx/Blue/Widget/HTML/NewWidget.pm
>htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/Widget/HTML/NewWidget.html  P5EEx/Blue/devguide.pod
>htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/devguide.html  P5EEx/Blue/Widget/HTML.pm
>htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/Widget/HTML.html  P5EEx/Blue/Widget/HTML/DataTable.pm
>htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/Widget/HTML/DataTable.html  P5EEx/Blue/Widget/HTML/Menu.pm
>htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/Widget/HTML/Menu.html  P5EEx/Blue/Widget/HTML/Checkbox.pm
>htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/Widget/HTML/Checkbox.html  P5EEx/Blue/Widget.pm
>htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/Widget.html  P5EEx/Blue/Widget/HTML/SelectorView.pm
>P5EEx/Blue/Repository/Sample.pm  htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/Repository/Sample.html
>P5EEx/Blue/Serializer/Ini.pm  htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/Serializer/Ini.html
>P5EEx/Blue/Repository/SOAP.pm  htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/Repository/SOAP.html
>P5EEx/Blue/podstyle.pod  htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/podstyle.html
>htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/Widget/HTML/AppFrame.html  P5EEx/Blue/Repository/DBI.pm
>htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/Repository/DBI.html  P5EEx/Blue/Session/HTMLHidden.pm
>htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/Session/HTMLHidden.html  P5EEx/Blue/Session.pm
>htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/Session.html' too long
>  Steve Lihn
>  FIS Database Support, Merck & Co., Inc.
>  Tel: (908) 423 - 4441
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Stephen Adkins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>> Sent: Friday, March 22, 2002 8:46 AM
>> Subject: Re: Crazy Lack of Sleep thought - Generic UI module
>> At 03:20 AM 3/22/2002 -0800, Michael Cummings wrote:
>> ....
>> >My thought was a simple one, so to speak, never mind
>> >the coding involved. A generic UI module, invoked like
>> >$new_something = UI::new(html), or $new_something =
>> >UI::new(gtk), etc (syntax not the point here, I know
>> >that that's bad even for pseudo code), but the idea is
>> >a generic UI that takes a common set of functions and
>> >produces at least similar results for a wide variety
>> >of interface types. That way you could develop an app,
>> >use this generic UI, and with one incoming parameter
>> >(html, tk, gtk, curses, what have you) you would have
>> >an interface that met your needs without an recoding.
>> >Yeah, the backend modules would be huge, rough, and
>> >very sticky, but the results might warrant that. And
>> >in my "enterprise" experiences, that would be a
>> >wonderful thing, the ability to display a project in a
>> >large variety of gui types.
>> ....
>> Hi,
>>  * Do you actually need this or are you just curious?
>>  * Are you interested in exploring how this might be done
>>    within the P5EEx::Blue framework?
>>  * Do you have skills with any of the non-HTML Perl UI
>>    environments of which you speak? (Gtk, Curses, WxPerl, etc.)
>> I have thought about how this would be done with Widgets.
>> Solving the problem is not unlike solving the problem 
>> of presenting different variants of HTML based on
>> the capabilities of the browser (DHTML, JavaScript, Java, etc.).
>> I agree in general that the UI's may need to be tremendously
>> different for different user agents.  However, at some logical
>> level in the application design, they will be the same.
>> If you have the interest to pursue these thoughts within the
>> P5EEx::Blue framework, let me know.
>> Stephen

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