
This is a possible work-around (not a solution).
After you unpack the distribution, try editing the MANIFEST.
Delete a lot of the files in the MANIFEST.
Then do make; make install.

I think that the MANIFEST does govern what files get sent
through "pod2man" and "pod2html" but I don't think they govern
what files get installed as software.

Let me know how this works out.


At 12:44 PM 3/22/2002 -0500, Lihn, Steve wrote:
>Additional info I found,
>NMAKE Fatal Error U1095
>expanded command line 'commandline' too long
>After macro expansion, the given command line exceeded the limit on length
>of command lines for the operating system. If the command is for a program
>that can accept command-line input from a file, change the command and
>supply input from either a file on disk or an inline file. For example, LINK
>and LIB accept input from a response file.
>  Steve Lihn
>  FIS Database Support, Merck & Co., Inc.
>  Tel: (908) 423 - 4441
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Lihn, Steve [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>> Sent: Friday, March 22, 2002 12:02 PM
>> To: 'Stephen Adkins'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Subject: make failed on Win32
>> Stephen,
>> I finished perl Makefile.PL on Win NT. (P5EEx/Blue)
>> But when I do nmake, I got this. I think the problem is the 
>> command line too
>> long.
>> Is it possible to break it down to smaller pieces?
>> --Steve 
>> Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility   Version 1.50
>> Copyright (c) Microsoft Corp 1988-94. All rights reserved.
>> NMAKE : fatal error U1095: expanded command line 
>> 'C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe -we
>> "use File::Basename; use File::Path qw(mkpath); %m=@ARGV;for 
>> (keys %m){"  -e
>> "next if -e $m{$_} && -M $m{$_} < -M $_ && -M $m{$_} < -M 
>> 'Makefile';"  -e
>> "print qq(Htmlifying $m{$_}\n);"  -e "$dir = dirname($m{$_}); 
>> mkpath($dir)
>> unless -d $dir;"  -e "system(qq[$^X ].q["-IC:\Perl\lib" 
>> "-IC:\Perl\lib"
>> C:\Perl\bin\pod2html.bat ].qq[$_>$m{$_}])==0 or warn 
>> qq(Couldn\047t install
>> $m{$_}\n);"  -e "chmod(oct()), $m{$_} or warn qq(chmod  
>> $m{$_}: $!\n);}"
>> P5EEx/Blue/Widget/HTML/
>> htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/Widget/HTML/ImageButton.html  P5EEx/Blue/
>> htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/P5EE.html  
>> P5EEx/Blue/Widget/HTML/
>> htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/Widget/HTML/ValidatedTextField.html
>> P5EEx/Blue/Widget/HTML/
>> htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/Widget/HTML/DateField.html  P5EEx/Blue/
>> htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/Serializer.html  P5EEx/Blue/Serializer/
>> htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/Serializer/Storable.html  P5EEx/Blue/Config.pod
>> htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/Config.html  P5EEx/Blue/perlstyle.pod
>> htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/perlstyle.html  P5EEx/Blue/
>> htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/TemplateEngine.html  P5EEx/Blue/
>> htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/Messaging.html  P5EEx/Blue/Widget/HTML/
>> htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/Widget/HTML/HierView.html
>> P5EEx/Blue/Widget/HTML/  
>> htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/Widget/HTML/Button.html
>> P5EEx/Blue/  htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/UserAgent.html
>> P5EEx/Blue/  htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/Service.html
>> P5EEx/Blue/  htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/SharedDatastore.html
>> P5EEx/Blue/Widget/HTML/
>> htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/Widget/HTML/Template.html
>> P5EEx/Blue/Widget/HTML/  
>> htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/Widget/HTML/Select.html
>> P5EEx/Blue/Widget/HTML/
>> htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/Widget/HTML/RepositoryEditor.html
>> P5EEx/Blue/Serializer/
>> htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/Serializer/XMLSimple.html  
>> P5EEx/Blue/Widget/
>> htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/Widget/Template.html  P5EEx/Blue/
>> htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/Security.html  P5EEx/Blue/
>> htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/Repository.html  P5EEx/Blue/
>> htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/SharedResourceSet.html  P5EEx/Blue/Context/
>> htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/Context/CGI.html  P5EEx/Blue/
>> htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/LogChannel.html  P5EEx/Blue/Serializer/
>> htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/Serializer/Properties.html  
>> P5EEx/Blue/Config/File.pod
>> htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/Config/File.html  
>> P5EEx/Blue/Widget/HTML/
>> htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/Widget/HTML/Stylizable.html
>> P5EEx/Blue/Widget/HTML/  
>> htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/Widget/HTML/Label.html
>> P5EEx/Blue/  htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/Exceptions.html
>> P5EEx/Blue/Widget/HTML/
>> htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/Widget/HTML/StylizableContainer.html
>> P5EEx/Blue/Session/  htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/Session/Cookie.html
>> P5EEx/Blue/  htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/Reference.html
>> P5EEx/Blue/Widget/HTML/
>> htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/Widget/HTML/TreeView.html
>> P5EEx/Blue/Widget/HTML/
>> htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/Widget/HTML/TextField.html  
>> P5EEx/Blue/Context/
>> htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/Context/HTML.html  P5EEx/Blue/
>> htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/Context.html  P5EEx/Blue/exceptions.pod
>> htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/exceptions.html  
>> P5EEx/Blue/Widget/HTML/
>> htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/Widget/HTML/DateDropDowns.html
>> P5EEx/Blue/Widget/HTML/
>> htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/Widget/HTML/Toolbar.html  P5EEx/Blue/
>> htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/Procedure.html  P5EEx/Blue/Widget/HTML/
>> htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/Widget/HTML/Element.html  P5EEx/Blue/datetime.pod
>> htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/datetime.html  P5EEx/Blue/Widget/HTML/
>> htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/Widget/HTML/NewWidget.html  P5EEx/Blue/devguide.pod
>> htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/devguide.html  P5EEx/Blue/Widget/
>> htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/Widget/HTML.html  
>> P5EEx/Blue/Widget/HTML/
>> htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/Widget/HTML/DataTable.html  
>> P5EEx/Blue/Widget/HTML/
>> htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/Widget/HTML/Menu.html  
>> P5EEx/Blue/Widget/HTML/
>> htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/Widget/HTML/Checkbox.html  P5EEx/Blue/
>> htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/Widget.html  P5EEx/Blue/Widget/HTML/
>> htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/Widget/HTML/SelectorView.html
>> P5EEx/Blue/Repository/  
>> htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/Repository/Sample.html
>> P5EEx/Blue/Serializer/  htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/Serializer/Ini.html
>> P5EEx/Blue/SharedResourceSet/
>> htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/SharedResourceSet/IPCLocker.html
>> P5EEx/Blue/Repository/  htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/Repository/SOAP.html
>> P5EEx/Blue/podstyle.pod  htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/podstyle.html
>> P5EEx/Blue/Widget/HTML/
>> htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/Widget/HTML/AppFrame.html  
>> P5EEx/Blue/Repository/
>> htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/Repository/DBI.html  
>> P5EEx/Blue/Session/
>> htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/Session/HTMLHidden.html  P5EEx/Blue/
>> htdocs\P5EEx/Blue/Session.html' too long
>> Stop.
>>   Steve Lihn
>>   FIS Database Support, Merck & Co., Inc.
>>   Tel: (908) 423 - 4441
>> > -----Original Message-----
>> > From: Stephen Adkins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>> > Sent: Friday, March 22, 2002 8:46 AM
>> > Subject: Re: Crazy Lack of Sleep thought - Generic UI module
>> > 
>> > 
>> > At 03:20 AM 3/22/2002 -0800, Michael Cummings wrote:
>> > ....
>> > >My thought was a simple one, so to speak, never mind
>> > >the coding involved. A generic UI module, invoked like
>> > >$new_something = UI::new(html), or $new_something =
>> > >UI::new(gtk), etc (syntax not the point here, I know
>> > >that that's bad even for pseudo code), but the idea is
>> > >a generic UI that takes a common set of functions and
>> > >produces at least similar results for a wide variety
>> > >of interface types. That way you could develop an app,
>> > >use this generic UI, and with one incoming parameter
>> > >(html, tk, gtk, curses, what have you) you would have
>> > >an interface that met your needs without an recoding.
>> > >Yeah, the backend modules would be huge, rough, and
>> > >very sticky, but the results might warrant that. And
>> > >in my "enterprise" experiences, that would be a
>> > >wonderful thing, the ability to display a project in a
>> > >large variety of gui types.
>> > ....
>> > 
>> > Hi,
>> > 
>> >  * Do you actually need this or are you just curious?
>> >  * Are you interested in exploring how this might be done
>> >    within the P5EEx::Blue framework?
>> >  * Do you have skills with any of the non-HTML Perl UI
>> >    environments of which you speak? (Gtk, Curses, WxPerl, etc.)
>> > 
>> > I have thought about how this would be done with Widgets.
>> > Solving the problem is not unlike solving the problem 
>> > of presenting different variants of HTML based on
>> > the capabilities of the browser (DHTML, JavaScript, Java, etc.).
>> > 
>> > I agree in general that the UI's may need to be tremendously
>> > different for different user agents.  However, at some logical
>> > level in the application design, they will be the same.
>> > 
>> > If you have the interest to pursue these thoughts within the
>> > P5EEx::Blue framework, let me know.
>> > 
>> > Stephen
>> > 
>> > 
>> > 

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