I have to confess, I joined this list this week due to
the article on perlmonks. I joined the list in the
hopes of finding some documentation on the project.
The p5ee pages on perl.org are lacking (no offense
intended) any real meat as to what the project is
about, how the code is layed out, what the difference
is between the colors (like, which is the active
branch??) and where help is needed. The snippets I've
caught have me interested, but it would be really nice
if there were a *plunk* of information on the main
page. I hesitate to look to deeply in the code because
I'm not even sure of what the real intent is.

Please note, this is not meant to be a flame, flare,
or other bright object raising the hackles. I'm a new
member to the list looking for more information on
what I've signed up for and asking if that information
could be made more readily available. And my
interpretation is that that is part of what the post
at perlmonks was trying to raise - for those not on
the list, there seems to be a real lack of direction
and focus for the project. Granted, the list may erode
that perception, but the curious observer won't know

OK, OK, let your arrows fly. Just send replies (if you
send them off list) to [EMAIL PROTECTED] I'm
sending this via an awful yahoo interface and I have
little faith that the reply-to address will be
preserved. Thanks and respectfully,

Michael Cummings

--- Aaron Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I wanted to post a link to a reply to a post about
> getting involved with
> P5EE on Perl Monks.
> http://www.perlmonks.org/index.pl?node_id=143091
> I have another article ready to post on Perl Monks
> in
> reference/response, but want to get some more
> feedback from the list
> before I spoke with my single mind.
> You can view my possible response at:
> http://www.gina.net/p5ee_post.html
> Aaron Johnson

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