Thanks very much for your reply Stephen, and thanks also to Matt and Dave
for their advice.

I just downloaded Alzabo, and it looks like it's exactly what I needed to
see how all the pieces actually fit together. I'm currently using
HTML::Mason 1.03, so I don't think I'll grab the CPAN version of that just
yet. I've been using objects fairly consistently for a little while, and
have been adding in some eval blocks at the more obvious potential failure
points in my code, but all handling is very local. I think I'll be able to
apply what I see Dave doing in Alzabo to what I'm doing and get much
broader error coverage.

And just to keep this post somewhat on topic, I feel I'm already benefiting
from the p5ee effort because it's already pointing me to better programming
practices, and better ways to do those in perl. I was pleasantly surprised
to see the very clean documentation that Stephen has set up; sure it's not
complete, but what's there is good by and large, and it's well organized
and easily navigated. Keep up the good work!


Stephen Adkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 02/15/2002 05:22:05 PM

Subject:  Re: Better Definitions and Analysis


Read this doc for background on Exceptions in perl.


You can get Dave Rolsky's Alzabo from CPAN.
It is a database abstraction layer.
He is also the author of Exception::Class,
which you will see used in Alzabo.


At 02:06 PM 2/15/2002 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>Speaking of CPAN guides, are there any CPAN modules or other examples on
>the net that serve as good examples of Exception handling, using one of
>CPAN Exception or Error classes? I've read most of the docs on those
>classes, and seen them discussed on this list, but can't quite get my head
>around how to use them. At this point, seeing an actual example, in a real
>module that does somthing besides just throw exceptions for the sake of
>throwing example exceptions, would be helpful. Otherwise, I'm half tempted
>to go find some Java code to look at, just to get a handle on the
>topic..... And no, I'm not a java programmer.
>"Perrin Harkins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 02/15/2002 11:11:28 AM
>To:   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Gunther Birznieks" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject:  Re: Better Definitions and Analysis
>> I still believe the quickest route to P5EE acceptance is if it is first
>> foremost a *documentation project* that basically provides a 1-stop
>> to go for people who intend to do "Enterprise" programming in Perl and
>> to know where to go when they want to solve certain problems.
>I agree.  I decided a while back that the most useful thing I could do to
>further mod_perl development and Perl development in general would be to
>write up some CPAN guides to help people with the biggest FAQs on the
>mod_perl list.  The templating article I wrote was the first part of this,
>and now I'm working on a guide to sharing data between processes
>(Cache::Cache, Apache::Session, MLDBM::Sync, etc.) which I hope to present
>at the next Perl Conference.  This stuff will probably get folded into the
>mod_perl Guide at some point, but applies pretty generally to any serious
>programming effort in Perl.
>- Perrin

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