I think this new model has more +'s then -'s so I am for the switch.

The smaller groups will hopefully fuel the decoupled development model
more so then one large group.  Small efficient/effective "connector"
modules stand to do more for P5EE then trying to solve some vast unknown

Aaron Johnson

On Fri, 2002-09-20 at 12:57, Stephen Adkins wrote:
> Hi,
> As a follow-up to my conclusions from the last vote ...
>    http://archive.develooper.com/p5ee%40perl.org/msg01105.html
> and particularly this point
>  2. The P5EE project should focus on explaining the various
>     solutions to the Enterprise Development problem rather than
>     trying to adopt or create a single one at this point.
> I would like to propose a new focus for the P5EE project.
> I think that the mission of the project is still intact.
>    The mission of the P5EE project is to promote the development, 
>    deployment, and acceptance of Enterprise Systems written in Perl. 
> However, I think the right strategy to achieve this is to allow
> people who do Enterprise Development in perl (or know how to and aspire to)
> collect into groups with a more-or-less consistent way of handling
> enterprise development problems.
> Each group needs core members, who actively use and develop
> Perl components in an overall architecture which solves the problems
> of enterprise systems (http://www.officevision.com/pub/p5ee/definitions.html)
> and who are interested in documenting that architecture and supporting
> others in the use of it through the P5EE mailing list.
> I think that every Perl *component* generally has a community (i.e. 
> AxKit, SOAP, POE, Alzabo, Template Toolkit) through its mailing list,
> but what is lacking is a community surrounding a complete enterprise
> application architecture with all of its constituent components.
> I think that these groups will generally form around major/popular
> frameworks such as AxKit, bOP, Extropia Toolkit, OpenInteract, etc.
> However, what is needed to become a P5EE Group is core member(s) who
> are willing to pull together (or write) components in a coherent
> architecture which increasingly satisfy all of the requirements
> of enterprise systems (http://www.officevision.com/pub/p5ee/definitions.html),
> *document this architecture*, and promote this architecture by 
> supporting users of this architecture through the P5EE mailing list.
> Note that the following three elements are critical for a P5EE Group.
>   2. CODE
> For instance, I volunteer as a core member for a P5EE Group I would
> call the "App-Context Group". (I am recasting P5EEx::Blue as App::Context.)
>    http://cvs.perl.org/cvsweb/p5ee/App-Context/
> I am committed to documenting an architecture that incorporates many
> perl components (many of which will be shared by other P5EE Groups)
> and which increasingly satisfies the requirements of enterprise development.
> I am committed (for the foreseeable future) to supporting other users
> who wish to adopt this architecture (subject of course to availability,
> like all open source efforts) and working with them to continually
> enhance the architecture, its components, and its documentation.
> I believe that if we could get several "champions" to make the same
> commitments, we could get a handful of P5EE Groups going and
> reinvigorate the P5EE project. (Note that a P5EE Group does not need
> to be able to satisfy all of the requirements of enterprise development
> on day 1.  But it must be committed to *increasingly* satisfy these
> requirements.)
> This would allow some developer who is investigating the feasibility
> of enterprise development in perl to find the P5EE web site, identify
> the various *actively supported* architectures, and gain confidence
> to get on board with one and begin developing his application according
> to its guidelines.
> The reason that I think it is desirable for these to all operate
> on the P5EE list (or future sublists) is so that there is lots of
> interaction and interoperation, and perhaps some convergence.
> What do people think about this?
> Are there others who want to step forward to form other P5EE Groups?
> Stephen

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