Perrin Harkins writes:
> finds anything it uses LWP to send it to mod_perl for handling.  I would 
> make this a tiny script triggered from cron if possible, since cron is 
> robust and can handle outages and error reporting nicely.

Great explanation, Perrin.  Here's what use:

0-59 * * * * GET http://localhost/*my_job_url

You sometimes need locking, but you'll need that anyway.  You can
prevent outsiders from hitting these URLs by beginning with a special
char, e.g. "*", and configuring Apache the only accept URL from

Stephen Adkins writes:
> This just seems a bit odd (and unnecessarily complex).
> Why not let there be web server processes and queue worker processes
> and they each do their own job?  Web servers seem to me to be for
> synchronous activity, where the user is waiting for the results.

Having built large systems with CORBA, EJB, V System (from Stanford),
and a variety of RTOSes, I've learned over the years to avoid
complexity means to avoid introducing new protocols.  The V System was
awesome in this regard, because the only inter-process communication
mechanism was synchronous message passing including kernel to process
communication.  The guys who built Tandem's OS came from the same
crowd at Waterloo who worked on Thoth--the first "micro kernel".

The antithesis of this is J2EE, which introduces an amazing amount of
complexity through protocol explosion (is it a Message/Session/Entity
Bean, do I use JMX, JMS, RMI, etc.).  It creates tremendous confusion,
and their software is certainly less reliable than Apache.


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