Rob Nagler wrote:

The antithesis of this is J2EE, which introduces an amazing amount of
complexity through protocol explosion (is it a Message/Session/Entity
Bean, do I use JMX, JMS, RMI, etc.). It creates tremendous confusion,
and their software is certainly less reliable than Apache.

I think this is not a fair statement about J2EE (except the less reliable part).

In the context of what you are saying, it seems as if everyone should just stick to using TCP/IP/Telnet as a protocol and then the world would be a better place.

But I don't think this is so. Everyone ends up creating their own protocols, their own algorithms on top of TCP on how to communicate. In a way it is simpler because you just have the freedom to create whatever you want. But in another way, it is a nightmare because everyone will just implement their own way of doing things. This can be OK in some contexts, but I find it difficult to believe that this is the best thing overall.

At least with J2EE, for every major standard or protocol implemented, there is only one way to do it. With Perl, you actually have more confusion because there are many more ways to do it. More ways to do templating, more ways to do middleware, more ways to do serialization of objects, etc...

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