On Wed, 2002-11-20 at 14:55, Perrin Harkins wrote:
> Aaron Johnson wrote:
> > This model has eased my testing as well since I can run the script
> > completely external of the web server I can run it through a debugger if
> > needed.
> You realize that you can run mod_perl in the debugger too, right?  I use 
> the profiler and debugger with mod_perl frequently.

I know you _can_ , but I don't find it convenient.  I will revise the
verbiage when I talk about this in the future.  It has proven better for
me to be able to work the code completely external of the web server
during initial testing , debugging and automation testing.  The debug
tools that exist for Apache are useful, however I just find them

I am reading up on the profiling in the guide now that you have
mentioned it, I hadn't visited the topic in a while.

I still don't like to give apache long processes to manage, I feel this
can be better handled external of the server and in my case it allows
for automation/reports on non-mod_perl machines.  I have some clients
that don't want/allow mod_perl servers on their network, in fact I am
lucky just to get Perl on it so I have to be happy with what I get :)


> - Perrin

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