
On Wed, May 27, 2009 at 08:42:06AM -0400, Eliot Gable wrote:
> http://clusterlabs.org/wiki/Documentation
> First, read this (probably ten times or so, since it won???t make complete 
> sense and you will miss various details the first couple of times):
> http://clusterlabs.org/mediawiki/images/f/fb/Configuration_Explained.pdf
> Then, if you want to use the CLI, read this:
> http://clusterlabs.org/mediawiki/images/8/8d/Crm_cli.pdf
> Or check out any other links on that main documentation site.
> I strongly recommend you start out learning with the XML CIB
> and then, if you want, move to the CLI. Everything makes much
> more sense if you understand the XML stuff.

I'll disagree here. The crm shell is there to let the vast
majority of people start working with Pacemaker without having to
read XML. And then also enable most of them never to think about
XML. crm should be able to represent all cluster configurations
without the XML scaffolding (and you won't miss much, it is
horrible anyway). In short, what would one gain by reading XML
instead of the stripped crm representation?



> However, keep in
> mind that there is a steep learning curve to all of this. I
> have been working with it 3-4 days a week for over a month now,
> and there are still some things I don???t fully understand. By
> ???working with it??? I mean I have written 3 resource agents,
> one of which is a 800+ line Master/Slave RA, and a 600+ line
> XML CIB using every form of primitive, clones, master/slave
> resources, groups, location constraints, co-location
> constraints, all forms of rules, etc. So, when I say that
> I???ve done all that and I _still_ don???t fully understand
> everything about this system, that should give you some idea
> just how much there is to learn. Don???t expect to have it
> mastered in a couple of days.
> Eliot Gable
> Senior Engineer
> 1228 Euclid Ave, Suite 390
> Cleveland, OH 44115
> Direct: 216-373-4808
> Fax: 216-373-4657
> ega...@broadvox.net<mailto:ega...@broadvox.net>
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> From: acl1978 [mailto:acl1...@bol.com.br]
> Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2009 8:14 AM
> To: pacemaker@oss.clusterlabs.org
> Subject: [Pacemaker] Managing resources - classes
> Hi All,
> I am new in Pacemaker and having some problems with it.
> My task is to configure heartbeat with two nodes and make one shell script 
> managed by it (or by pacemaker). The fact is: Pacemaker needs to manage this 
> shell script and make it run again if it sttoped.
> I have installed heartbeat and Pacemaker and it seems that they are correctly 
> installed. At least I can see that both nodes are configured and with a 
> online status (crm status). But something strange is happening when I try crm 
> ra classes command. Nothing is showed. I dont know if some configuration is 
> missing. Is ther any problem with it? How can I have a list of classes?
> In addition, how colud be a primitive to manage this shell script?
> I would be grateful even if you point me some books, tutorials, manuals, 
> etc... I have searched a lot but could not find very good information about 
> it.
> Thanks,
> Alan
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