On Fri, 2011-03-04 at 13:06 +0100, Holger Teutsch wrote:
> On Thu, 2011-03-03 at 10:55 +0100, Florian Haas wrote:
> > On 2011-03-03 10:43, Holger Teutsch wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > > I submit a patch for
> > > "bugzilla 2541: Shell should warn if parameter uniqueness is violated"
> > > for discussion.
> > 
> > I'll leave it do Dejan to review the code, but I love the functionality.
> > Thanks a lot for tackling this. My only suggestion for an improvement is
> > to make the warning message a bit more terse, as in:
> > 
> > WARNING: Resources ip1a, ip1b violate uniqueness for parameter "ip":
> > ""
> > 
> Florian,
> I see your point. Although my formatting allows for an unlimited number
> of collisions ( 8-) ) in real life we will only have 2 or 3. Will change
> this together with Dejan's hints.
> > Cheers,
> > Florian
> > 
Florian + Dejan,
here the version with terse output. The code got terser as well.
- holger

crm(live)configure# primitive ip1a ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 params ip="" 
meta target-role="stopped"
crm(live)configure# primitive ip1b ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 params ip="" 
meta target-role="stopped"
crm(live)configure# primitive ip2a ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 params ip="" 
meta target-role="stopped"
crm(live)configure# primitive ip2b ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 params ip="" 
meta target-role="stopped"
crm(live)configure# primitive ip3 ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 params ip="" 
meta target-role="stopped"
crm(live)configure# primitive dummy_1 ocf:heartbeat:Dummy params fake="abc" 
meta target-role="stopped"
crm(live)configure# primitive dummy_2 ocf:heartbeat:Dummy params fake="abc" 
meta target-role="stopped"
crm(live)configure# primitive dummy_3 ocf:heartbeat:Dummy meta 
crm(live)configure# commit
WARNING: Resources ip1a,ip1b violate uniqueness for parameter "ip": ""
WARNING: Resources ip2a,ip2b violate uniqueness for parameter "ip": ""
Do you still want to commit? 

diff -r cf4e9febed8e shell/modules/ui.py.in
--- a/shell/modules/ui.py.in	Wed Feb 23 14:52:34 2011 +0100
+++ b/shell/modules/ui.py.in	Tue Mar 08 09:11:38 2011 +0100
@@ -1509,6 +1509,55 @@
             return False
         set_obj = mkset_obj("xml")
         return ptestlike(set_obj.ptest,'vv',cmd,*args)
+    def __check_unique_clash(self):
+        'Check whether resource parameters with attribute "unique" clash'
+        def process_primitive(prim, clash_dict):
+            '''
+            Update dict clash_dict with
+            (ra_class, ra_provider, ra_type, name, value) -> [ resourcename ]
+            if parameter "name" should be unique
+            '''
+            ra_class = prim.getAttribute("class")
+            ra_provider = prim.getAttribute("provider")
+            ra_type = prim.getAttribute("type")
+            ra_id = prim.getAttribute("id")
+            ra = RAInfo(ra_class, ra_type, ra_provider)
+            if ra == None:
+                return
+            ra_params = ra.params()
+            attributes = prim.getElementsByTagName("instance_attributes")
+            if len(attributes) == 0:
+                return
+            for p in attributes[0].getElementsByTagName("nvpair"):
+                name = p.getAttribute("name")
+                if ra_params[ name ]['unique'] == '1':
+                    value = p.getAttribute("value")
+                    k = (ra_class, ra_provider, ra_type, name, value)
+                    try:
+                        clash_dict[k].append(ra_id)
+                    except:
+                        clash_dict[k] = [ra_id]
+            return
+        clash_dict = {}
+        for p in cib_factory.mkobj_list("xml","type:primitive"):
+            process_primitive(p.node, clash_dict)
+        no_clash = 1
+        for param, resources in clash_dict.items():
+            if len(resources) > 1:
+                no_clash = 0
+                msg = 'Resources %s violate uniqueness for parameter "%s": "%s"' %\
+                        (",".join(sorted(resources)), param[3], param[4])
+                common_warning(msg)
+        return no_clash
     def commit(self,cmd,force = None):
         "usage: commit [force]"
         if force and force != "force":
@@ -1523,7 +1572,8 @@
         rc1 = cib_factory.is_current_cib_equal()
         rc2 = cib_factory.is_cib_empty() or \
-        if rc1 and rc2:
+        rc3 = self.__check_unique_clash()
+        if rc1 and rc2 and rc3:
             return cib_factory.commit()
         if force or user_prefs.get_force():
             common_info("commit forced")
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