--- Comment #1 from Martin Gieseking <> ---
Here are a couple of initial notes:

- Add a short comment above the License field explaining why we have a 
  multiple licensing scenario here (tiled/libtiled binary: GPLv2+, tmxviewer: 

- Since the package doesn't provide tiled only but also tmxviewer, you should
  add this information to the %description (and add a final period to the 

- As there are no development files (headers etc.) installed, you probably
  don't need to provide either. So I recommend to remove the file 
  and drop the devel package.

- The tarball contains a copy of zlib (src/zlib). Remove this folder in %prep
  and ensure that Fedora's zlib is linked.

- The locale files must be installed using %find_lang:

  Thus, add "%find_lang %{name} --with-qt" to the %install section, and append
  "-f %{name}.lang" to %files. Also, in the %files section, replace 
  %{_datadir}/tiled with %{_datadir}/tiled/images/ and add the following lines
  for proper directory ownership:
  %dir %{_datadir}/tiled/
  %dir %{_datadir}/tiled/translations

- Always try to avoid plain asterisks in the %files section. Instead it's much
  better to be more specific in order to avoid adding unexpected files to the

- Replace %{_libdir}/* with %{_libdir}/* to simplify
  future updates.

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