--- Comment #13 from Shawn Iwinski <> ---
Spec URL:



Copr build:

(In reply to Jared Smith from comment #11)
> I know this is a very complicated package, and I appreciate the hard work
> you're putting into getting this packaged.  I think we're getting fairly
> close on the package review -- but there are still a few outstanding items I
> would like to see addressed before I approve the package.  Feel free to ask
> if you have any questions.  I've highlighted the major items in the "Issues"
> section, and then marked individual items need attention with an exclamation
> mark in the checklist below.

Inline responses below...

> Issues:
> =======
> - License field doesn't include the MPL license, but it seems that
>   ckeditor is licensed under either the MPL or LGPL or GPL license.
>   See core/assets/vendor/ckeditor/  This means that the
>   license field should more accurately be:
>   GPLv2+ and MIT and Public Domain and (GTLv2+ or MPLv1.1+ or LGPLv2.1+)

Fixed in latest spec release.

Should I add the license breakdown to %description as well?  Personally, I
think that would be useful to end-users but I don't remember seeing any other
pkg do that.

> - Make sure that if someone installs just the drupal8-rpmbuild subpackage,
>   that a license file still gets installed.

Added license in latest spec release.

> - You probably (but don't necessarily) want to set the sample config files
>   as %config(noreplace) instead of just %config.  This way, if someone
>   edits the sample configs and then upgrades Drupal, their changes won't
>   get replaced by the updated config file from the upgrade.

See inline notes below.  Overall, IMO they are to remain upstream managed and
replaced on RPM update.  I will make note of these in a RPM README that I still
need to create.

> - There are still a lot of errors coming from rpmlint.  In particular, there
>   are still a lot of zero-length files.  If they're really needed, I'd be
>   willing to give an exception on a case-by-case basis, but I don't think we
>   really need that many zero-length files.  There also seem to be a lot of
>   scripts that have "/usr/bin/env php" or similar in the shebang line, which
>   will need to be patched/fixed with sed to "/usr/bin/php", etc.

See inline notes below.

> Rpmlint
> -------
> Checking: drupal8-8.1.8-1.fc26.noarch.rpm
>           drupal8-httpd-8.1.8-1.fc26.noarch.rpm
>           drupal8-rpmbuild-8.1.8-1.fc26.noarch.rpm
>           drupal8-8.1.8-1.fc26.src.rpm

> drupal8.noarch: E: zero-length
> /usr/share/drupal8/core/modules/system/tests/fixtures/HtaccessTest/
> access_test.xtmpl
> drupal8.noarch: E: zero-length
> /usr/share/drupal8/core/modules/system/tests/fixtures/HtaccessTest/
> access_test.module.swp
> drupal8.noarch: E: zero-length
> /usr/share/doc/drupal8/core/modules/system/tests/fixtures/HtaccessTest/
> composer.lock
> drupal8.noarch: E: zero-length
> /usr/share/drupal8/core/modules/system/tests/fixtures/HtaccessTest/
> drupal8.noarch: E: zero-length
> /usr/share/drupal8/core/modules/system/tests/fixtures/HtaccessTest/
> access_test.twig
> drupal8.noarch: E: zero-length
> /usr/share/drupal8/core/modules/system/tests/fixtures/HtaccessTest/
> drupal8.noarch: E: zero-length
> /usr/share/drupal8/core/modules/system/tests/fixtures/HtaccessTest/
> access_test.module.bak
> drupal8.noarch: E: zero-length
> /usr/share/drupal8/core/modules/system/tests/fixtures/HtaccessTest/
> access_test.php.swp
> drupal8.noarch: E: zero-length
> /usr/share/drupal8/core/modules/system/tests/fixtures/HtaccessTest/
> access_test.yml
> drupal8.noarch: E: zero-length
> /usr/share/drupal8/core/modules/system/tests/fixtures/HtaccessTest/
> access_test.php.bak
> drupal8.noarch: E: backup-file-in-package
> /usr/share/drupal8/core/modules/system/tests/fixtures/HtaccessTest/
> access_test.php.orig
> drupal8.noarch: E: zero-length
> /usr/share/drupal8/core/modules/system/tests/fixtures/HtaccessTest/
> access_test.php.orig
> drupal8.noarch: E: zero-length
> /usr/share/doc/drupal8/core/modules/system/tests/fixtures/HtaccessTest/
> composer.json
> drupal8.noarch: E: zero-length
> /usr/share/drupal8/core/modules/system/tests/fixtures/HtaccessTest/
> drupal8.noarch: E: zero-length
> /usr/share/drupal8/core/modules/system/tests/fixtures/HtaccessTest/
> access_test.install
> drupal8.noarch: E: zero-length
> /usr/share/drupal8/core/modules/system/tests/fixtures/HtaccessTest/
> access_test.module
> drupal8.noarch: E: zero-length
> /usr/share/drupal8/core/modules/system/tests/fixtures/HtaccessTest/
> access_test.php.swo
> drupal8.noarch: E: zero-length
> /usr/share/drupal8/core/modules/system/tests/fixtures/HtaccessTest/
> access_test.sql
> drupal8.noarch: E: backup-file-in-package
> /usr/share/drupal8/core/modules/system/tests/fixtures/HtaccessTest/
> access_test.module~
> drupal8.noarch: E: zero-length
> /usr/share/drupal8/core/modules/system/tests/fixtures/HtaccessTest/
> access_test.module~
> drupal8.noarch: E: zero-length
> /usr/share/drupal8/core/modules/system/tests/fixtures/HtaccessTest/
> access_test.tpl.php
> drupal8.noarch: E: zero-length
> /usr/share/drupal8/core/modules/system/tests/fixtures/HtaccessTest/
> access_test.module.swo
> drupal8.noarch: E: zero-length
> /usr/share/drupal8/core/modules/system/tests/fixtures/HtaccessTest/
> drupal8.noarch: E: backup-file-in-package
> /usr/share/drupal8/core/modules/system/tests/fixtures/HtaccessTest/
> access_test.php~
> drupal8.noarch: E: zero-length
> /usr/share/drupal8/core/modules/system/tests/fixtures/HtaccessTest/
> access_test.php~
> drupal8.noarch: E: zero-length
> /usr/share/drupal8/core/modules/system/tests/fixtures/HtaccessTest/
> access_test.profile
> drupal8.noarch: E: zero-length
> /usr/share/drupal8/core/modules/system/tests/fixtures/HtaccessTest/
> access_test.php-info.txt
> drupal8.noarch: E: backup-file-in-package
> /usr/share/drupal8/core/modules/system/tests/fixtures/HtaccessTest/
> access_test.module.orig
> drupal8.noarch: E: zero-length
> /usr/share/drupal8/core/modules/system/tests/fixtures/HtaccessTest/
> access_test.module.orig
> drupal8.noarch: E: zero-length
> /usr/share/drupal8/core/modules/system/tests/fixtures/HtaccessTest/
> access_test.po
> drupal8.noarch: E: zero-length
> /usr/share/drupal8/core/modules/system/tests/fixtures/HtaccessTest/
> access_test.theme
> drupal8.noarch: E: zero-length
> /usr/share/drupal8/core/modules/system/tests/fixtures/HtaccessTest/
> access_test.engine
> drupal8.noarch: E: zero-length
> /usr/share/drupal8/core/modules/system/tests/fixtures/HtaccessTest/
> access_test.make

All of these are required for the .htaccess test.  The files are required for
their file extensions and zero-length on purpose so they do not take up any
space (in the repo or on disk when installed).

I did find the following 2 files which were marked as %doc but needed to be in
/usr/share/drupal8 though (taken care of in latest spec release):

> drupal8.noarch: E: zero-length
> /usr/share/drupal8/core/themes/stark/css/layout.css

Global styling referenced in "core/themes/stark/stark.libraries.yml".  Would
404 for users using this theme if it was removed.

> drupal8.noarch: E: zero-length
> /usr/share/drupal8/core/modules/simpletest/files/translations/drupal-8.0.0-
> drupal8.noarch: E: zero-length
> /usr/share/drupal8/core/modules/simpletest/files/translations/drupal-8.0.0.
> de.po

I believe these are used by the simpletest module for tests

> drupal8.noarch: E: zero-length
> /usr/share/licenses/drupal8/core/lib/Drupal/Component/Transliteration/
> drupal8.noarch: E: zero-length
> /usr/share/licenses/drupal8/core/lib/Drupal/Component/Serialization/LICENSE.
> txt

Removed in new spec release.

> drupal8.noarch: W: conffile-without-noreplace-flag
> /etc/drupal8/sites/example.sites.php
> drupal8.noarch: W: conffile-without-noreplace-flag
> /etc/drupal8/sites/default/default.settings.php
> drupal8.noarch: W: conffile-without-noreplace-flag
> /etc/drupal8/sites/example.settings.local.php
> drupal8.noarch: W: conffile-without-noreplace-flag
> /etc/drupal8/sites/default/

IMO, these are managed upstream and should not be modified by end-users as they
are just samples/defaults upstream.  Therefore I left them as just %config on
purpose so an RPM update would replace them with the upstream-managed version. 
End-users would copy these to their real filenames and make edits to those
files. I will make note of this in a RPM README that I still need to create.

> drupal8-httpd.noarch: W: conffile-without-noreplace-flag
> /etc/httpd/conf.d/drupal8.htaccess
> drupal8-httpd.noarch: W: conffile-without-noreplace-flag
> /etc/httpd/conf.d/

IMO these are managed upstream as well.  If end-users want to make edits they
should create their own files and modify their "drupal.conf" %config(noreplace)
file to include their custom file instead of these.  I will make note of this
in a custom file header (taken care of in latest spec release) and in a RPM
README that I still need to create.

> drupal8.noarch: E: wrong-script-interpreter
> /usr/share/drupal8/core/scripts/db-tools.php /usr/bin/env php
> drupal8.noarch: E: wrong-script-interpreter
> /usr/share/drupal8/core/scripts/ /usr/bin/env php
> drupal8.noarch: E: wrong-script-interpreter
> /usr/share/drupal8/core/scripts/ /usr/bin/env php
> drupal8.noarch: E: wrong-script-interpreter
> /usr/share/drupal8/core/scripts/ /usr/bin/env php
> drupal8.noarch: E: wrong-script-interpreter
> /usr/share/drupal8/core/scripts/ /usr/bin/env php
> drupal8.noarch: E: wrong-script-interpreter
> /usr/share/drupal8/core/scripts/ /usr/bin/env php
> drupal8.noarch: E: wrong-script-interpreter
> /usr/share/drupal8/core/scripts/dump-database-d8-mysql.php /usr/bin/env php
> drupal8.noarch: E: wrong-script-interpreter
> /usr/share/drupal8/core/scripts/ /usr/bin/env php
> drupal8.noarch: E: wrong-script-interpreter
> /usr/share/drupal8/core/scripts/ /usr/bin/env php
> drupal8.noarch: E: wrong-script-interpreter
> /usr/share/drupal8/core/scripts/generate-proxy-class.php /usr/bin/env php
> drupal8-rpmbuild.noarch: E: wrong-script-interpreter
> /usr/lib/rpm/drupal8-find-requires.php /usr/bin/env php
> drupal8-rpmbuild.noarch: E: wrong-script-interpreter
> /usr/lib/rpm/ /usr/bin/env bash
> drupal8-rpmbuild.noarch: E: wrong-script-interpreter
> /usr/lib/rpm/drupal8-find-provides.php /usr/bin/env php
> drupal8-rpmbuild.noarch: E: wrong-script-interpreter
> /usr/lib/rpm/ /usr/bin/env bash

See comment from Remi.  We have been using this in several PHP libraries
already to allow for SCL.

> drupal8-httpd.noarch: E: non-standard-dir-perm
> /var/lib/drupal8/files/public/default 775
> drupal8-httpd.noarch: E: non-standard-dir-perm
> /var/lib/drupal8/files/private/default 775
> drupal8.src: W: strange-permission 755
> drupal8.src: W: strange-permission drupal8-find-requires.php 775
> drupal8.src: W: strange-permission drupal8-find-provides.php 775
> drupal8.src: W: strange-permission 775

These annoy me :/  How are these permissions non-standard?  I will eventually
ask on the packaging mailing list.

> drupal8.noarch: E: explicit-lib-dependency php-zlib

Common rpmlint "error" for php extension pkg

> drupal8.noarch: W: dangling-symlink /etc/drupal8/sites/default/files
> /var/lib/drupal8/files/public/default

This one should make sense :)

> drupal8-httpd.noarch: W: no-documentation

Documentation is provided by the main drupal8 pkg which is a requirement of
this drupal8-httpd subpackage.

> drupal8-rpmbuild.noarch: W: only-non-binary-in-usr-lib
> drupal8-rpmbuild.noarch: W: no-documentation

I will create a README at the same time I create an RPM README.

> drupal8.src: W: spelling-error %description -l en_US Drupal -> Drupe


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