On Mar 25, 2015, at 8:52 , Andy A <andthereitg...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> Apologies for the lack of description in my query.  
> Yes, I do mean that MySQL is on a different machine (remote). The MySQL 
> replication setup is Master - Slave (in active-passive configuration).
> I understand that I can specify it in pf.conf but what I wanted to know if it 
> was possible to do this during the installation.
> Here are the steps that I follow on Centos 6.5
> - yum install packetfence (this steps installs mysql and memcached locally, 
> which I don't want)
> - start packetfence
> - access administration interface in the browser on port 1433 
> - run through the installation (in which DB setup is the second step). In 
> this step, I think it uses a local mysql setup by default.
> So what I wanted to know is what should I do (or not do) from the steps 
> above, in order to have PF configured to talk to MySQL Master on a remote 
> machine

Hi Andy,
That case is not currently handled by the configurator.
You will have to go through the configurator and then change the values for 
those variables after the fact.

If you know what you are doing, the configurator is an optional step.
There is nothing preventing you from manually writing a configuration file for 
pf.conf, networks.conf etc.

Louis Munro
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