This does not look to me like the problem is in PacketFence itself.

This looks suspiciously like a samba bug (admittedly an old one):

I don’t know what version of samba you are running, but I  would recommend 
trying the official samba4 packages from sernet and see if that fixes your 

Let me know if that helps.
I have had a few reports of this happening from time to time but not in any way 
that could be reproduced reliably.

Louis Munro  :: 
+1.514.447.4918 x125  :: +1 (866) 353-6153 x125
Inverse inc. :: Leaders behind SOGo ( and PacketFence 

On Aug 17, 2015, at 13:20 , Morgan, Joel P. <> wrote:

> I deleted the domain in the Packetfence GUI, created the computer account in 
> the correct OU and recreated the domain in the Packetfence GUI. Exactly 7 
> days later domain authentication started failing again. I believe there is a 
> Kerberos ticket renewal problem. Rejoining fixes the problem, but I shouldn't 
> have to do this every 7 days. Can anyone give me advice on troubleshooting 
> this? How can I view information about the Kerberos ticket?

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