Hi All,

I come to you for clarification about my project. We had started a project
to deploy packetfence 3 years ago but I gave up as we found we were not
ready for the big project.

This time we are about to revive the project for our institution which is a

We have an hybrid network with WIFI and Wired connection with at some points
cascaded switches with managed and unmanaged equipments.

My worries is about to deploy the VLAN Enforcement mode with such network.
Is there anyway a WIFI client can be switched from registration or isolation
to data access within WIFI network controller which is connected to Ubiquiti
Unifi AP. I think I miss some tips about how to manage such stuffs.

My understanding is that with my actual topology, there is no way I can
deploy such Enforcement VLAN mode with my current network (WIFI and Wired).

If someone can give me clarification about how I can proceed to achieve my
goal. I am aware about how inline mode works but I would like my Packetfence
to controll access without being a gateway.

Thank you in advance,


Eloge B.

University of Burundi

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