Hello Jabang,

can you paste your packetfence-tunnel file ?



Le 2018-05-23 à 04:08, jabang konate via PacketFence-users a écrit :
my packetfence server version is 8.0.1 and i want to configure packetfence as an eduroam server with openldap as user database, then i look into documentation eduroam section from packetfence and EAP Authentication against OpenLDAP.

when im try to login with my laptop, i always get access reject.

from log i see i can connect with my ldap server, then i see error like this (7) Wed May 23 14:32:55 2018: ERROR: mschap: Program returned code (1) and output 'Reading winbind reply failed! (0xc0000001)'
(7) Wed May 23 14:32:55 2018: Debug: mschap: External script failed
(7) Wed May 23 14:32:55 2018: ERROR: mschap: External script says: Reading winbind reply failed! (0xc0000001)

is it the root cause why i alwayas get access reject?
then i check winbindd service is not running, but i cant start winbindd service (Service 'winbindd' is not managed by PacketFence. Therefore, no action will be performed)

attach my radius log.
please give me some advice.
thank you

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