Hi bill

Please look at ALL the log files under /usr/local/pf/var/logs (the httpd
logs only cover the requests from the devices). There will be two requests
going to google.. one where Packetfence is doing NAT for the devices to be
onboarded (this is the traffic from the user's browser) and then another
that will go from packetfence itself to google again, using the token
returned by the customer's browser to get the actual data from the google

also, I dont remember if any of the changes to google oauth take effect
immediately or you need to restart the PF service. (to restart the PF
service use this script:

/usr/local/pf/bin/pfcmd  service pf restart

On Thu, Apr 23, 2020 at 3:37 PM Bill Handler <bhand...@pcsknox.com> wrote:

> I’m hoping I’ve set up the Google part correctly, if not the
> authentication wouldn’t go through correct?  I just needed to setup OAuth
> 2.0 Client IDs.  I don’t need any API Keys or Service Accounts correct?  In
> the Client ID I listed it as a web application
> Diego,
> Thanks for your help…  This is my first experience with PacketFence, and
> I’m feeling my way through it.  I’m not entirely sure what all your
> information means, so please pardon my ignorance.
> My Google Auth was set to the default openid that you listed.  I changed
> it to the older scope/protected resource urls with no change.
> I know that the request is going out to google, and that something is
> coming back by seeing the url in the end-system’s browser.  It seems like
> PF is not authenticating the token.
> I am still unsure what log file the logging entries you pointed out go
> to.  I was in the logs folder and ran a ‘cat *.log | grep OAuth’ but came
> back with no results.
> Jonathan,
> We’re not using the A3 variant from HiveManger/Extreme IQ, I’m just
> working with PacketFence straight (Although we are an Extreme Networks
> partner and the AeroHive gear is part of our offerings now… ).  PacketFence
> is only handing out DHCP on the registration VLAN, our internal DHCP is
> handing out IPs on our data vlan, Firewall is handing out IPs on guest and
> phone vlans.  But, we’re never getting that far – the end-system is not
> being given the role and stays as unregistered.
> httpd.portal.error Log has no entries for today.  I did a packet capture
> from the PF server and did see some traffic going to/from Google IP
> addresses, but it was TLS or TCP Acks and I could not tell what the payload
> was…
> Thanks,
> Bill
> *From:* Diego Garcia del Rio <garc...@gmail.com>
> *Sent:* Thursday, April 23, 2020 10:43 AM
> *To:* Jonathan Nathanson <jmhnathan...@gmail.com>
> *Cc:* packetfence-users@lists.sourceforge.net; Bill Handler <
> bhand...@pcsknox.com>
> *Subject:* Re: [PacketFence-users] Google oauth2 -
> Behavior/Troubleshooting
> Hi Jonathan, Bill,
> The device will get the role indeed after a disconnect / CoA but given
> Bill mentions that his other auth methods work... I would be surprised that
> CoA fails for this. Also, he should still be seeing the device having the
> new role.
> Below is my config of the google authentication source (old GUI, sorry).
> <Pic removed>
> also, i seem to be using the OLD user information scheme / url:
> (look here:
> https://github.com/inverse-inc/packetfence/commit/8f38c0e5b51ff5daf83f1720aef8253059fa1a96
> )
> i am using this:
> has 'scope' => (isa => 'Str', is => 'rw', default => '
> https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.email');
> has 'protected_resource_url' => (isa => 'Str', is => 'rw', default => '
> https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v2/userinfo');
> instead of the new defaults which are these:
> has 'scope' => (isa => 'Str', is => 'rw', default => 'openid email
> profile');
> has 'protected_resource_url' => (isa => 'Str', is => 'rw', default => '
> https://openidconnect.googleapis.com/v1/userinfo');
> basically it looks like this:
> <Pic removed>
> So maybe your authorized scope in google is for this old schema and not
> the new open-id one?
> Also, keep in mind that accessing the google login portal from mobile
> devices can be tricky. Google blacklists the "embedded"  browsers of most
> phones so you need to launch chrome manually or contact google to get an
> exception for your specific APP ID.
> Also, check your logs for any phrase like this: "OAuth2 Error: Failed to
> get the token"
> (look at the code here:
> https://github.com/inverse-inc/packetfence/blob/541c6c8545195881b136bc55edb7cd531594061d/html/captive-portal/lib/captiveportal/PacketFence/DynamicRouting/Module/Authentication/OAuth.pm
>  )
> you have these two logging entries in the code: (you might need to
> increase the logging level to debug).
>         get_logger->info("OAuth2 successfull for username
> ".$self->username);
>         $self->source->lookup_from_provider_info($self->username, $info);
>   *      pf::auth_log::record_completed_oauth($self->source->id,
> $self->current_mac, $pid, $pf::auth_log::COMPLETED,
> $self->app->profile->name);*
>         $self->update_person_from_fields();
>         $self->done();
>     }
>     else {
> *get_logger->info("OAuth2: failed to validate the token, redireting to
> login page.");         get_logger->debug(sub { use Data::Dumper; "OAuth2
> failed response : ".Dumper($response) });*
>         pf::auth_log::change_record_status($self->source->id,
> $self->current_mac, $pf::auth_log::FAILED, $self->app->profile->name);
>         $self->app->flash->{error} = "OAuth2 Error: Failed to validate the
> token, please retry";
>         $self->landing();
> good luck!
> Cheers
> On Thu, Apr 23, 2020 at 3:04 AM Jonathan Nathanson <jmhnathan...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> I had this very similar problem recently. Does A3 manage DHCP in the reg
> The role should be assigned following a disconnect / COA packet sent to
> the client device to get them to reconnect, I believe.
> You should do a packet trace and check. You might also want to check
> corresponding log entries in httpd.portal.error to see if you can spot the
> issue there.
> Jonathan
> On Thu, 23 Apr 2020 at 01:32, Bill Handler via PacketFence-users <
> packetfence-users@lists.sourceforge.net> wrote:
> I’m running on v10, using the default whitelist in the Google Auth
> config.  The end system is talking to google, verified with wireshark, and
> by inputting wrong password.
> The end system’s role never gets updated, even though I have a catchall
> rule in place that should move it to a different VLAN.
> I have not done a packet capture on server’s interface yet.  The end
> system stays as unregistered, so the issue may be authenticating the token
> between PF and google.
> I’ve only tested using Chrome and Firefox browsers and only if Chrome is
> used does the redirect show accounts.blogger.com in the address field
> after entering the google account credentials.
> Both browser windows show the you may need to login to your network with a
> button; the button sends you back to the AUP.
> Is there a certain log that I would be able to see PF talking to google,
> or just checking wireshark packets?
> Thanks,
> Bill
> Sent from my iPad
> On Apr 22, 2020, at 5:15 PM, Diego Garcia del Rio <garc...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> Just to be sure, do you have all the proper whitelists as well? Its weird
> that the user is directed to accounts.blogger.com... Also, you should be
> able to see your PF server making a request to google to validate the
> returned token.
> On which version of PF are you? I've been using google auth
> successfully all the way up to 9.2 (I haven tested anything newer though).
> Also, not sure the logic you're using but you might want to check that the
> google source is assigning a role to the device in question..
> On Wed, Apr 22, 2020 at 5:51 PM Bill Handler via PacketFence-users <
> packetfence-users@lists.sourceforge.net> wrote:
> Running into an issue with Google oauth2 authentication via Captive Portal…
>    - Have it configured and set as an External Authentication Source
>    - Have all the correct settings on Google Developer site
> What’s happening is that after entering the username/password in the
> Google display on the captive portal, the user is not put into the correct
> VLAN/redirected.  Authentication via AD/SMS/E-Mail works without issue.
> If using Chrome Browser, user is redirected to accounts.blogger.com with
> a long string afterwards, within Firefox, the url shows as the portal url
> with “?code=” with a long string – this is the token from Google I believe,
> based on some of the documentation.
> The user stays in the registration VLAN and is not moved to the correct
> role.  Not sure where to check to see why the user is not moving.
> Any help is appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Bill
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