Thanx a lot Enrico.
I've already found this section, and I tried to create an advanced filter using 
a regex to filter by the mac address vendor prefix.
It seems to work fine, but I'm still at the testing stage, because it seems 
that this filter can be applied only to a connection that already is present in 
the database (as mentioned in the documentation), and so, it may not apply if 
the device is a new one.
But, as said, I'm still testing.

When done, I'll post the results!

Another related question: is there any way to automatically set the "Is a 
Phone" flag to "Yes"?

Gianluca Galleani - Sistec S.r.l.
IT Engineer

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From: Enrico Pasqualotto <>
Sent: 15 febbraio 2022 18:14
To: Gianluca Galleani - SISTEC S.r.l. <>;
Subject: Re: [PacketFence-users] Automatic role assignment by Mac-Address prefix

Check on this page:<>

On 15/02/22 11:39, Gianluca Galleani - SISTEC S.r.l. wrote:
Hello Enrico.
At this time, I partially solved the problem triggering a security event by 
using a dhcp-relay diredcted to the packetfence interface.
BTW, I think that your approach may be better.

Where I can find some documentation about compiling the Advanced Filter?

Gianluca Galleani - Sistec S.r.l.
IT Engineer

Supporto remoto (PC Windows): Teamviewer Quicksupport - 
Supporto remoto (Android): Teamviewer Quicksupport - 
Tel: +39 031 396312 (ext. 101)
Fax: 031565433

From: Enrico Pasqualotto 
Sent: 14 febbraio 2022 17:17
Cc: Gianluca Galleani - SISTEC S.r.l. 
Subject: Re: [PacketFence-users] Automatic role assignment by Mac-Address prefix

Hello, I think you can make a test using the advanced_filter feature into 
connection profile and make a profile for every mac vendor/type that assign a 
different VLAN.

On 10/02/22 15:32, Gianluca Galleani - SISTEC S.r.l. via PacketFence-users 
Hello everybody!

As in the subject, I want to automatically identify some kind of nodes 
automatially by the mac-address prefix.

Let me say, I have Axis IP Cameras, Wildix IP Phones, and so on...
I already know that those devices need to be placed in a specific VLAN and get 
a specific policy, and also I already know that I can automatically identifiy 
them by the mac-address vendor prefix.

I already tried to get this task using Null Authentication Source with 
Mac-Address fiter.
I'm also trying to use a Security Event, but it seems to be ignored...

At this time, my configuration is not inline, so my PacketFence server act as a 
RADIUS server for my corporate switches.

Does anyone has already done this kind of configuration?

Thanx a lot in advance!


Gianluca Galleani - Sistec S.r.l.
IT Engineer


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