Hi Team

I am unsure is Julien reads the comments after he has closed the bugs in 
GitHub.  So far my experience he does not so I need to come here for assistance.

Last week I raised two bugs that IMO are not closed but where quickly closed.

The first is bug


We had this fully working prior to the upgrade from 11.1 to 11.2.  Running the 
update broke the platform so either there is a change in the code or an issue 
with the update process.  Julien offered some input on the potential issue and 
closed the bug.  However both of the elements are there that he mentions.  He 
also responded that he did a fresh install of 11.2 and there was no issues, 
that might be the case but we did an upgrade.  Ragzhub also thumbed up the bug 
post maybe indicating they had the same issue.  Can someone look at this a 
little further please and see if it is a update bug.  Happy to provide more 
input but would need to know what to provide.

The second bug\issue


For this Julien redirects me to this group.  I do not understand why the Auto 
Register does not function in this context and why we need to add it to a 
connection profile.  Why then have this option in the DPSK provisioner at all 
if it will do nothing.  Surely this is then a bug right?  Again Julian closed 
it quickly with no real answer as to why this was not a bug.  Can you please 
enlighten us.

Again thanks again for all the support on this list.  Hopefully we will get 
answers via the commercial support we are signing up to if they are not 
answered here.

Kind Regards


Simon Sutcliffe
IT Architect, Workplace Solutions
T +44 1733 336600 | M +44 7775 823368 | E 
simon.sutcli...@rhdhv.com<mailto:simon.sutcli...@rhdhv.com>  | W 
HaskoningDHV UK Ltd., a company of Royal HaskoningDHV


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