Good morning everyone. I approached Packetfence due to the need to have a
captive portal within a network of one of our customers that includes social
authentication. But before I get totally immersed in this product, I have a
question to ask that will surely denote my poor knowledge of NAC:

Why do I have to configure the switch connected to it to configure a captive
portal in pf? 

Based on my experience, working with hardware and software firewalls, when I
needed to configure a captive portal, I did it directly on the firewall
which was the gateway of the network. Why is it different with pf? This
limits the configuration to pf compatible switches only. Also, if someone
wants to bypass authentication, they can simply replace the switch
configured to point directly to the network gateway. Would you be kind
enough to explain this to me? Thank you




Leonardo Izzo 

Area Sistemistica 


I.T.S. S.r.l.

Struttura Territoriale Spaggiari S.p.A.

Partner Netasq - Stormshield

Via Antiniana, 115

80078 - POZZUOLI (NA)

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