Hello Dennis,

We have a default similar rule for Wireless where if you have been seen doing a 
valid 802.1x Authentication and that same Mac address is doing a Mac 
authentication, the node will be automatically unregistered.

You can clone that rule and apply it to the wired by changing the connection 

description=Prevent an autoregistered 802.1x user to switch to an Open SSID and 
keep the same level of access
condition=connection_type == "Wireless-802.11-NoEAP" && 
node_info.last_connection_type == "Wireless-802.11-EAP" && node_info.status == 
"reg" && node_info.autoreg == "yes"
scopes = RegisteredRole
action.0=modify_node: mac, $mac, status = unreg, autoreg = no
role = registration


Ludovic Zammit
Product Support Engineer Principal

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> On Mar 25, 2022, at 10:34 AM, Dennis Miara via PacketFence-users 
> <packetfence-users@lists.sourceforge.net> wrote:
> Hello!
> Currently we have switch auth order 802.1X and MAB. It means that when a 
> 802.1x auth fails , MAB will be used. Everything is okay at this point.
> I have the following case:
> A User Alice gets a valid 802.1X and the calculated role admin is written 
> into the Node Category.
> Then User Bob will take the client and perform an invalid 802.1X auth. 
> Normally I would expect, that the role admin will be deleted from the node.
> Switch Triggers MAB. Ih that case the role admin from Alice authentication 
> will be taken into account, although the node category or at least role (I 
> don’t get the difference correctly) should be cleared.
> I already have a vlan filter configured that sets REJECT category on each 
> node in registration process. In MAB via VLAN Filter the reject will be 
> overwritten by the specific role. When the next authentication fails, the 
> role will be unset and in whole the node will be set to its category 
> (reject). Everything is fine. But as soon an authentication is successful 
> done by a source, this category will be overwritten and that finally breaks 
> my mechanism.
> Thanks in advance,
> Dennis
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