Hello Baptiste,

When you added the route network did you restart all the pf service ? If not do 
it :

/usr/local/pf/bin/pfcmd service pf restart

My guess is that pfdhcp is not aware of the new scope.

You n double check with the command:


curl | python -m json.tool

Where eth1.137 is your registration interface on PF, you should see your new 

You can also check if the route is installed with:

route -n


Ludovic Zammit
Product Support Engineer Principal

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> On Apr 2, 2022, at 10:26 AM, Baptiste Leroy via PacketFence-users 
> <packetfence-users@lists.sourceforge.net> wrote:
> Hello. I have read the mailing list a lot to solve my problem but the 
> resolution I found did not work for me (sysctl.conf edit, enabling dhcp 
> detector and pf-maint.update).
> I have the exact same topology than here : 
> https://www.packetfence.org/doc/PacketFence_Installation_Guide.html#_routed_networks
> <https://www.packetfence.org/doc/PacketFence_Installation_Guide.html#_routed_networks>
> My problem is that PF does not deliver an address to my vlan 20 
> (registration) client.
> I have configured dhcp helper on the router. When i add static IP in the vlan 
> 20 pc I can ping PF. 
> I did wireshark on the PF-1st switch link (gns3) and the dhcp requests reache 
> PF but it never got any response. I know that the dhcp service is working 
> because when I try to get vlan2 address it works.
> Can you help me pls :)
> Thank you
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