most of the defaults should work. For the username Attribute, 'uid'
should work.

when you click on the "test" button for the bindDn and password, does it

make sure the ldap service is enabled as well (not just the credentials
generated). Its quite annoying as its not readily evident you
havent enabled the service

[image: image.png]

Also, using "stunnel" (for certificate-based SSL tunneling to google)  and
an ldap browser such as "jExplorer"  you can test and see if you can browse
the ldap tree, make sure the credentials are ok, etc..

The bindDN is "just" the username, like "jdoe"

but the BaseDN needs to have the prefix "ou=Users" such as the following:



On Sun, May 29, 2022 at 1:43 PM leonardo.izzo--- via PacketFence-users <> wrote:

> Hello everyone, I have some doubts regarding some fields of the source in
> question.
> In 'Bind DN' and 'Password' I have to enter the credentials generated by
> the Google Workspace console -> Authentication section -> "Generate new
> credentials". Quite right?
> In the 'Base DN' field I have entered the customer's domain in DN format,
> i.e. the domain is so in this field I have entered the
> string: dc = schoolname, dc = edu, dc = it. Quite right?
> 'Host' = on SSL port 636
> 'SSL Verify Mode' = none
> 'Dead duration' = 60
> 'Connection timeout' = 1
> 'Request timeout' = 5
> 'Response timeout' = 10
> 'Scope' = Subtree
> 'Search Attributes' = null
> 'Append search attributes' = null
> 'Email Attribute' = mail
> 'Cache match' = off
> 'Monitor' = on
> 'Shuffle' = off
> 'Associated Realms' = nothing
> Also I wanted to know what to put in the 'Username Attribute' field.
> Thanks
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