Hello everyone, I have some doubts regarding some fields of the source in


In 'Bind DN' and 'Password' I have to enter the credentials generated by the
Google Workspace console -> Authentication section -> "Generate new
credentials". Quite right?

In the 'Base DN' field I have entered the customer's domain in DN format,
i.e. the domain is schoolname.edu.it so in this field I have entered the
string: dc = schoolname, dc = edu, dc = it. Quite right?

'Host' = ldap.google.com on SSL port 636

'SSL Verify Mode' = none

'Dead duration' = 60

'Connection timeout' = 1

'Request timeout' = 5

'Response timeout' = 10

'Scope' = Subtree

'Search Attributes' = null

'Append search attributes' = null

'Email Attribute' = mail

'Cache match' = off

'Monitor' = on

'Shuffle' = off

'Associated Realms' = nothing

Also I wanted to know what to put in the 'Username Attribute' field.



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