I compared the iptables.conf file between the ZEN and the ISO/Cluster
install, and they are exactly the same.  They both allow DNS inbound
via these entries:

:input-internal-vlan-if - [0:0]
-A input-internal-vlan-if --protocol tcp --match tcp --dport 53  --jump ACCEPT
-A input-internal-vlan-if --protocol udp --match udp --dport 53  --jump ACCEPT

I discovered that DNS only fails in a cluster in certain scenarios.  I
tested it by performing a lookup from a client in the registration
network while specifying the DNS server IP to use (e.g. nslookup

iptables running on pf1 only
Pf1: succeeds
Pf2: succeeds
Pf3: failed
Pfcluster: succeeded

iptables running on pf2 only
Pf1: failed
Pf2: succeeded
Pf3: failed
Pfcluster: failed

iptables running on pf3 only
Pf1: succeeded
Pf2: failed
Pf3: failed
Pfcluster: succeeded

I'm baffled.  Has anyone else experienced this?  Should I report this
as an issue on GitHub?
(Version 13.1, fresh install from PacketFence ISO)

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