El Thursday 17 July 2008 12:50:13 Matthias Gorissen escribió:
> Am Donnerstag 17 Juli 2008 08:41:15 schrieb Xavier:
> > and I see that the German translation still includes
> > [Y/n],
> ... and what is even worse, it should be [J/n] in German. That particular
> line was a mess in older versions, anyway.
> I'll fix it this night. However, is it correct that [Y/n] still appears in
> the msgid (line 1221):
> msgid "    Are you sure you wish to do this? [Y/n] "
> msgstr "    Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie dies tun möchten? [J/n]"
long time ago i changed the [Y/n] with [S/n] and the users told me that the s 
key was not recognized by pacman. In that time i ask for a change in the way 
of process the answer ( n for not and everything else for yes, but the idea 
was rejected.)

I don't know if pacman changed that, i'm a little confused because some 
translations use both (for example, the fr one).

In other words, i think you must let the [Y/n] message untouched.

if i am wrong, please tell me for change the questions options.
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