On 18/03/10 09:20, antonio.gra...@uniroma1.it wrote:

I'am a newbie so please thank you for your patience.
pacman -S samba
I've this
error: failed retriving file 'tdb-1.2.0-1-i686.pkg.tar.gz'
But both two mirrors I've in my etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist contain the filename 
"tdb-1.2.1-1-i686.pkg.tar.xz" where there is a
difference about the version 1.2.1 and also in the extension .xz instead of .gz
My pacman version is 3.3.3-1 which is the latest. Someone can help me? Thank 
you. Antonio Grande

Have you ran `pacman -Sy` or probably more appropriate `pacman -Syu` yet?

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