assalaamu'alaikum sanak.,
  tambah cingkahak kepalo negaronyo kepada Islam.,
  tambah banyak nan pindah menjadi Islam. Surang senator
  Keith Ellison sajak mahasiswa masuk Islam. Walikota
  ado babarapa nan Islam. Baru-baru ko di Georgia
  batambah pulo surang.
  Berito dibawah:
Associated Press, 2/2/07 

MACON, Ga. - Macon Mayor Jack Ellis has converted to Islam and is now working 
to legally change his name to Hakim Mansour Ellis.

Ellis, who was raised Christian, said Thursday that he became a Sunni Muslim 
during a December ceremony in the west African nation of Senegal.

Ellis said he has been studying the Quran for years and that his new religion 
was originally practiced by his ancestors before they were brought to North 
America as slaves. 

[SEE: The Founding Fathers and Islam ]

"Why does one become a Christian?" Ellis said. "You do it because it feels 
right. It's the right thing for you to do. ... To me it's no big deal. But 
people like to know what you believe in. And this is what I believe in." 

At the request of his two of his daughters, Ellis said he will keep his last 
name the same.

Ellis has not ruled out future runs for elected office after his term expires 
this year. But he said he had not made any calculations for how his religious 
conversion might affect him politically. He said he is an American first and is 
proud to live in a country founded on religious freedom. 

Muslims should not be painted with a broad brush simply because of a few 
radicals, he said.

"If anybody wants to know about Islam, I can hold an intelligent conversation," 
Ellis said. "What I've found is how little we know about the religion." 


Matt Barnwell, Macon Telegraph, 2/1/07

Macon Mayor Jack Ellis has converted to Islam and is working to legally change 
his name to Hakim Mansour Ellis.

The mayor, raised as a Christian, said Thursday that he has been studying the 
Koran for years and made the religious switch at a December ceremony in the 
country of Senegal on the western African coast. Ellis is now a Sunni Muslim, 
having chosen a religion he said was originally practiced by his west African 
ancestors before they were brought to America by slave traders. 

Ellis said his decision was a personal one, though he understands his elected 
position breeds public interest in his choice. It was not something he decided 
overnight to do, he said.

"Why does one become a Christian? ... You do it because it feels right. It's 
the right thing for you to do. ... To me it's no big deal. But people like to 
know what you believe in. And this is what I believe in." 

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Wassalamu `Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh. 

Alam Terkembang Kalam Ilahi 

Sukseskan Pulang Basamo 2008
Sukseskan Pulang Basamo se Dunia, Juni 2008.
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