Do'a Bersama untuk Keselamatan Negeri, di Masjid istiglal diundur menjadi 
Minggu 8 April 2007. Meriahkanlah.

Yahoo! Groups Team Blog

Duplicate Messages and Email Delivery 

We're aware of the duplicate message bug that has been affecting groups today 
and are working to resolve the issue (a side effect of this bug is that some 
messages are also being delayed). We have actually pushed two fixes already, 
but we are aware that some groups are still experiencing the problem and that 
more needs to be done to fully resolve the issue. 

There is, however, one silver lining to this bug. It was the result of our 
latest system updates intended to improve email delivery speeds. So once the 
bugs are resolved, we should see a significant reduction in the time it takes 
to deliver messages to Yahoo! Groups members.

We will update this blog entry as soon as we have more definitive information 
on the status of this issue.

Thank you and our apologies for any inconvenience caused by the duplicate 

The Yahoo! Groups Team

P.S. It would be helpful to get reports of duplicate issues if your groups are 
still experiencing the problem with messages posted (not received) after 8:00 
pm PST. If so, please add a comment to the bug letting us know the name of your 
group and the message numbers of the duplicate messages. Thanks

Itu kaba dari Yahoo Pak IC


Tan Ameh

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: indra catri 
  To: palanta@minang.rantaunet.org 
  Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2007 2:58 PM
  Subject: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Yahoogroups lagi ngadat

  Do'a Bersama untuk Keselamatan Negeri, di Masjid istiglal diundur menjadi 
Minggu 8 April 2007. Meriahkanlah.


  Yth. Moderator dan Majelis Palanta

  Sepertinya ada masalah: kalau mereply dan forward nggak lancar tapi kalau 
jalur compose lasuah. 

  Sebaliknya ada juga yang terkirim sampai beberapa kali sehingga penerima 
perlu sabar ngedeletinnya.

  Wassalam: IC 

  No need to miss a message. Get email on-the-go 
  with Yahoo! Mail for Mobile. Get started.


  Sukseskan Pulang Basamo se Dunia, Juni 2008.
  Website: http://www.rantaunet.org
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Sukseskan Pulang Basamo se Dunia, Juni 2008.
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