Se a palm/hp/webos toca sempre o mesmo "vinil", ouve sempre as mesmas
músicas, não adianta mudar a "vitrola" ...

Bráulio Mecchi
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On Wed, Aug 15, 2012 at 11:20 AM, Robson Porto <>wrote:

> **
> Depois de ser uma unidade da HP chamada webOS Global Business Unit, a
> equipe do webOS deverá ser transferida para uma outra empresa
> "semi-independente" da HP: GRAM!
> Por
> um acaso muito acaso, no próximo mês termina o roadmap do
> desenvolvimento que a HP apresentou para o webOS Open Source, e a
> apresentação de uma nova empresa não estava nestes planos.
> Apesar
> de ainda não ter mais detalhes, tudo indica que será uma empresa de
> software focada em "webOS, Enyo e Nuvem", informando que não irá
> trabalhar com hardware.
> Estará o ciclo se repetindo uma vez
> mais? Seria esta uma estratégia para que o webOS não atrapalhe e nem
> assuste a M$, parceira de longa data da HP? O mensalão vai ter alguém
> condenado e preso?
> São muitas as perguntas, para as quais ainda não temos resposta...
> Façam suas apostas!!
> webOS GBU to become quasi-independent cloud and UX company: meet GRAM
> >by Derek Kessler Tue, 14 Aug 2012 10:14 pm EDT
> >
> >If you've been wondering where HP's webOS Global Business Unit was
> going under the leadership of HP Chief of Staff Martin Risau, you're not
> alone. For a while now we've been wondering what the next steps would
> be for the webOS group after finishing out the roadmap to Open webOS 1.0
> next month. Coming soon will be a new page in the saga of Palm, with a
> new rebranding and product focus as GRAM.
> >
> >It was introduced in an
> all-hands meeting with the webOS employees late last week. The name
> Gram (we're going to use traditional capitalization standards from here
> on out) is an interesting choice, with the tagline of "Potent. Light.
> Nimble. At the core of all things big and small.", which we guess is
> technically true on some level if we're talking about the unit of
> measurement gram (0.035 oz). The logo for Gram melds the 'g' and 'r'
> into a stylized line butterfly, as if to symbolize the metamorphosis the
> webOS team is about to undergo. Going heavy on the symbolism here.
> >
> >What's
> more interesting is the stated focus for Gram. Unsurprisingly, Gram is
> dropping any pretenses of producing consumer hardware. Instead the
> company is going to focus on software, user experience, the cloud,
> engineering, and partnering. If you're wondering exactly what that
> means, you're as in the dark as we are, though apparently webOS and
> Enyo, as well as the webOS group's own cloud services team (said to
> still be quite large with respect to the overall size of the unit), will
> play some sort of role. As the description above says, Gram will
> leverage "the core strengths" of those products, with the end goal of
> building "a technology that will unleash the freedom of the web." Again,
> we can only speculate as to what that means, but it seems to us that
> webOS will be playing a smaller role in the overall mission of Gram.
> >
> >What's
> even more interesting is the structuring of Gram. While the webOS GBU
> is currently a business unit within HP, Gram will be a new company, that
> while under the HP funding umbrella will be a separate entity. HP's
> purse strings are pretty tight right now, what with the $8 billion write
> down that came from EDS just last week, so there might be some question
> as to how willing HP will be to continue funding a project like this.
> Though, as a technically independent company, Gram would have the
> ability to seek outside funding should HP fall through.
> >
> >Weirdly,
> Gram is taking an odd 'start-up' attitude (where have we heard that
> before?) and not really talking about what they intend to offer the
> world. webOS employees - soon to be Gram employees - are being advised
> that they can talk to friends and family about Gram, but strangers are
> to be told that "Gram is a new company. We are in stealth mode on our
> product offering." Which to any outsider says "I can't talk about it,
> because we don't have anything to talk about right now." In the
> meantime, don't be surprised if you see webOS GBU employees walking
> around sporting the Gram logo on shirts or bags and not talking about
> what it means.
> >
> >The public roll-out for Gram hasn't been given a
> timeline, but we've been told to expect it relatively soon, possibly by
> the end of next month. They've been busy remodeling Building 3 of the
> Palm Campus for Gram. Buildings 1 and 2 are the more photographed curved
> glass and concrete structures bearing the HP logo on the south side of
> Maude Ave, Building 3 is a more traditional single-level office building
> across the street. This is a change from February's plan to move the
> webOS group out to Cupertino, but then again it seems a lot has changed
> since February.
> >
> >We're trying to find out more about Gram,
> specifically what this means for the development of Open webOS, but
> given that they're supposedly in 'stealth mode', we aren't going to get
> your or our hopes up just yet.
> >
> >
> >"Hi everyone,
> >>
> >>Thank you for all of your enthusiasm at yesterday’s new brand
> announcement: GRAM. We hope you will fall in love with the brand just
> as lots of us have already.
> >>
> >>Please note that our Mission,
> Values and Plan of Action are the same. We are continuing to march
> forward on our timelines as usual—nothing new there.
> >>
> >>We have much work to do, and, again, I solicit your help.
> >>
> >>Yes, this is a new brand—it is just the beginning, and there is so
> much more to do. And yet unveiling the new brand is also a Call to
> Action:
> >>
> >>Try it on. We don’t expect you to love it overnight.
> We are no longer a consumer hardware brand, we are a different company
> with focus on software, User Experience, Cloud, engineering and
> partnering. This change in identity will take some getting used to and
> that’s normal.
> >>
> >>Stealth mode. We are an incubation company,
> and we are trusting you to keep this company name and product under the
> radar to give it time to take root and grow. You can wear the logo, help
> build the momentum of the new identity, talk to your families and
> friends about it. If someone from the outside asks, you can say, “GRAM
> is a new company. We are in stealth mode on our product offering.”
> >>
> >>Tap your network. Help us hire the best and the brightest, refer
> your friends and help us in our shared purpose as we continue our rise
> to the top. You can use the name to help us to recruit.
> >>
> >>Be the culture. Spread our Values: People Matter. Integrity and Trust.
> Deliberate Innovation. Act small, deliver big.
> >>
> >>For those of you who could not attend yesterday’s unveiling – we
> really missed you. Please be on the lookout for the gift bags with our
> new cool branded items, which we be mailing out to you this and next
> week. All of you should get one, if not – let me know.
> >>
> >>Best
> >>
> >>Martin"
> Fonte: Webos Nation (Ex-PreCentral)
> Abraços...
> [As partes desta mensagem que não continham texto foram removidas]

[As partes desta mensagem que não continham texto foram removidas]


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