Hi, Russell, I don't think it will help us to go back to Palm OS 3.1. It is
about the time for Palm Net export to help us.
----- Original Message -----
From: Bulmer, Russell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Palm Developer Forum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, April 13, 2000 9:12 AM
Subject: Re: NetLibIFAttach does not work

> Well... I can't find a solution to this one...  under PalmOS 3.3 (and 3.5
> for that matter) I can't programmatically set and bring up interfaces...
> After already having failed to simply modify the existing setting (as
> under PalmOS 3.1) my last attempts were along the lines of:
> - remove any existing IFs
> - add my own IF
> - setup loads of IF things, including modem init string, phone number, log
> file, script, use modem, service name, name, etc etc etc etc etc
> -setup netlib things (so the default instances and creatorIDs are
> referencing my IF)
> - try opening netLib
> And I get the following results, depending on the initial state of the
> device:
> No IFs attached:
> The connecting dialog appears saying 'initializing', but almost
> instantaneously is replaced with a 'incorrect settings - check phone
> error.
> Other IF attached:
> I do this by going to Net/Prefs and trying to use one of the preinstalled
> services (eg AmiNet) and trying to connect with it.  I then run my app.
> In this instance, it works.  It tries to dial the settings I've just set
> However, if after adding the IF I reset all its settings, it does the same
> as not having any IFs attached.  It would appear that despite having
> detached the previous IF, its settings are left behind, and there's
> something in those settings that makes my IF work.  But what that is... I
> don't know....
> My IF Attached:
> Because I always remove any previously installed interfaces, the second
> I try to connect, I get this situation.
> In this case when NetLibOpen() is called, the currently selected interface
> in Net/Prefs is used.
> So... at this point I'm stuck.  If anyone, especially a Palm netrep, could
> shed some light on what's going on with NetLib with 3.3 onwards, that
> be fantastic.
> Cheers
> Russell
> --
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