I'm using a stl vector. Trying to add data to the vector (push_back).
The vector I believe is trying to alloc 65k (65536) bytes, and I'm
getting a bad_alloc exeption when the vector tries to allocate that

I checked my free heap space (using MemHeapFreeBytes) and its reporting
that I have 8mbs free (running on treo 700).  

FYI, I really don't need to store 65k in memory, I'm just running some
tests to see what the device is capable of (in this case I'm trying to
downloading a 100k xml document and storing the text in memory).


Given that I have enough free heap space, am I running into a limit on
the biggest heap-chunk size?  Or is the bad-alloc simply the result of
another issue I have in my program?




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