Yup, you're the wizard. However, MemGluePtrNew was available in 2002,
and formally documented in the Feb, 2003 version of the Palm OS
Reference (Doc #3003-006). Yes, you probably first saw it in an SDK
later in 2003.

But, it doesn't change the fact that glue has been the supported and
documented way to do things on the 68K side since 2000. ARM
development is a different animal.

And in Ken's defense, that's Krugler :)

On 6/21/07, Aaron Ardiri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 6/21/07, Jeff Loucks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You are correct that glue has matured through the years, and
> MemGluePtrNew is a more recent addition (2002). But, PalmOSGlue has
> been around since before 2000.

MemGluePtrNew was added with SDK 5.0 R2. may 6, 2003 :)

PalmOSGlue has been around much longer than 2000, in fact if
i remember right Ken Kruger wrote some of the first headers, back
in 1998 :)

is we are doing history lessons :)

// Aaron Ardiri

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[Jeff Loucks]

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