I would say that you have correctly evaluated those 3 tools.  What we find
is that C (in the Dev Suite) requires the most code, and SF the least.  What
you give up is low-level control (although you can get that back with C
"extensions" in SF); what you gain is abstraction.  Less code means less
development time and less debugging.  HB++ to me sits right in the middle
between C and SF.  For me, and my customers, the need for a run-time engine
is of no consequence since the SF run-time is free.


StyleTap is interesting, but they have trouble supporting anything other
than "inside the box" Palm apps.  It took them a long time to get barcode
scanner support and they do not have any solution for mobile printing, which
is mandatory in many of my applications.


>From a business perspective, cross-platform development to WM/CE is a key
differentiator.  And while SF apps cannot have all the bells and whistles
(and eye candy) of a Visual Studio project, they are far more efficient in
use of storage space and processor power.   But that's a moving target
because MS has finally figured out that data gathering and display represent
99% of all applications, and they are finally beginning to devise code
generators to ease the burden of developing basic business apps.


Lee Church

From: %%email.bounce%@ [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Sent: Tuesday, January 08, 2008 5:08 PM
To: Palm Developer Forum
Subject: Re: Recommended IDE


I am currently considering HB++, Satellite Forms and the Garnet OS Dev

The satellite holds my interest mainly because of its claim to support both
Pocket PC and Palm applications. In other words, I could build for a palm
device then change my target and build for a ppc device. Obviously, there
are some limitations here but nothing else can claim this. 

I've already tried the HB++ and was pretty pleased with what I saw. I think
it would probably accomplish what I want. My main pro on this is that is
compiles everything as a true PRC file with no need for a runtime engine or

I haven't had a lot of luck with the Dev suite yet.  I was not able to grasp
the IDE as quickly as I did on HB++ and SF. I'm a little worried that
building the forms with all the components would take a long time using the
Dev Suite than if I used the other two. Unless, they have some kind of
"toolbox" like Visual Studio has and can just drag items to your gui and
build it that way. 

I would say the Dev Suite is the most flexible by far if I wanted to only
develop for the Palm OS. It would give me more control but would obviously
take more time to develop something than the other products would.

Heath Schaefer
Product Engineer
Sporlan Division, Parker Hannifin Corporation
636.239.7711 x243

Christopher Stamper 
Sent by: %%email.bounce%% 

01/08/2008 02:41 PM 

Please respond to
"Palm Developer Forum" <palm-dev-forum@news.palmos.com>


"Palm Developer Forum" <palm-dev-forum@news.palmos.com> 




Re: Recommended IDE



Your right. Sat. forms isn't very good. IMO, at least.

I'd recommend Dev Suite, but if you don't know C, then HB++ is pretty good.

On Jan 8, 2008 3:14 PM, Caio Proiete < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
[quote]for basic business applications you cannot beat Satellite Forms

Actually the Handheld Basic (HB++) beats Sattelite Forms on all aspects,
including productivity, performance, and price. 

Take a look:
http://www.handheld-basic.com <http://www.handheld-basic.com/> 


Caio Proiete
www.pdaexpert.net <http://www.pdaexpert.net/>  
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