Good suggestion... I'm very familiar with those apps. I ought to look at the source code and hope its not really tough. I know there are many other open source BT palm apps out there too...

I am really wondering if there's a special "secret" to doing this that someone here knows right off the top of their head. I noticed that the ACCESS Palm OS documentation is a little out of date, and following their methods it apparently doesn't work. I haven't checked the palmdev documentation specific for my phone yet. Aiee... its tough to find time to even work on this anymore...argh.

Henk Jonas wrote:
check the source code of LJP or ZDoomZ for an example how create a serial BT connection (ZDoomZ has client and server side).

Shorin wrote:

I'm relatively new to Palm OS Programming (but not programming in
general). I can't seem to get the serial port open with the Bluetooth
Connection panel serial port. The VirtRfComm doesn't work either, but I
know that needs some extra settings passed to SrmOpenEx to open. I've
been trying this with SrmOpen and SrmOpenBackground. Those functions
keep failing with something like 0x03EA or something like that. This
used to make my phone go into a reset loop until i deleted the program.
I think i had other bad files that were causing that, though.

So anyways, whats the REAL way to open a bluetooth serial connection?



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