On 14/05/2008, at 11:32 AM, Vivian Chen wrote:
Thanks. I really know very little about the cygwin.

How to link project to the cygwin? I think I have. Must I choose - mno-cygwin? If I choose, I get a "undefined reference to" error.

-mno-cygwin means your app will not be linked to Cygwin. You should just leave that switch off to link to Cygwin.

As you said, if I want to use POSIX APIs, I must do it. And If I won't, I needn't. Is it right?

Yes... but you might not get to make that decision anyway since you're creating a .dll that some other app will load.

If I want to link with -mno-cygwin, and won't get a "undefined reference to" error, how can I do?

Why do you want to link with -mno-cygwin? Did you actually have a problem linking to Cygwin or are you guessing that you don't need it?

When you talk about error messages you need to include the entire message or we're left guessing what the problem is. You say "undefined reference to"... to what?


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