On Tue, 8 Aug 2000, K. Chugh wrote:

> Palm would do itself a huge favor by trusting it's developers, retailers, etc. 
>enough to let them in on the company plans.  Apple does this all the time- they make 
>them sign non-disclosure agreements and give them ample time to make any changes to 
>their strategies before the products come out.  Maybe palm is just more liberal with 
>manufacturers than developers, which I think is ridiculous.  If
> you look at Palm's webpage for their new products, they have Palm Glove cases 
>available, which are made by Body Glove (i think).  if that's the case, then Body 
>Glove surely had to have ample notice, certainly more than developers. The point is 
>that developers shouldn't have to exercise good or bad judgement in response to 
>rumors.  Rumors should be left to the consumer community, developers
> should be treated as insiders- as people on the same team as Palm.  When Palm has 
>solid plans to release new products, they should tell developers about them, plain 
>and simple.  Palm should trust it's developers, we all want Palm to succeed.

There is a big difference between Palm seeking out a specific
manufacturer for a specific option and giving them the information they
need for that specific option COMPARRED to giving  out the advance
information to every possible software/hardware developer
You know, as well as I, that a huge number of developers, like myself,
are doing software development as a hobby or part-time business.  They
are, for the most part, not in this as their full time business.  

If palm gave out the advance information to everyone that claimed to be
a developer, I don't care how much of a non-disclosure agreement you
had, I guarantee you that many of those developers would let the cat out
of the bag.

It is quite understandable that someone that Palm contacted about a
product or option would get information in advance of  thousands of
developers, for unknown products.

Just my put.

> Kevin
> Bob Ebert wrote:
> > At 11:17 PM +0200 08/7/00, Bradly J. Barton wrote:
> > >Yes, to continue that conversation.. I said "I don't know". When asked
> > >again, I had to tell them what Palm told us here on this forum. The new
> > >devices are a rumor, and should be treated as such. Since most rumors prove
> > >to be false and with a lack of support from Palm, I had to tell the customer
> > >that it looked like they (ZDNet) got the story wrong.
> >
> > Well, there's your problem!  You made an "educated guess" about the validity of a 
>rumor, and you were wrong.  Palm cannot (and will not) take responsibility for your 
>error.  Next time, don't interpret.
> >
> > Palm does not and will not confirm *or deny* any rumors about unannounced products.
> >
> > On the other hand, we're generally very good about bringing developers into the 
>loop very early on new OS developments.  The way we look at it is you should be 
>developing for the entire platform, and so you need to know about platform changes 
>early.  If you're doing a device-specific solution, then you've got to wait for the 
>device details like everyone else.
> >
> > As to why, the only reason I can offer is that leaks about new devices can be very 
>damaging to ongoing projects and sales.  As you noticed.  These leaks hurt everyone.
> >
> > If Palm put the developers 'in the know' about new device releases early, that 
>would perhaps help their businesses.  Especially as it concerns development for 
>longer term projects.  But it would cost more in terms of immediate sales, and also 
>in terms of putting projects "on hold" while we waited for announcements.  So we 
>don't do that, and I think that's the best strategy for all concerned.
> >
> > If you want to avoid looking silly in the future, use the same "cannot comment on 
>rumors" line.  Then your customers will perhaps draw the conclusion that you do know 
>something, but won't tell them for reasons of integrity.  :-)
> >
> >                                 --Bob
> >
> > ________________________________________________________________________
> > Bob Ebert, Consulting Engineer, Palm Computing Europe V: +33 4 9952.4354
> > 77 rue Samuel Morse, 34935 Montpellier Cedex 9 France F: +33 4 9952.4397
> >
> > --
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