> I think about subj and find next solution:
> 1. Soft generated same serial number N1 (ex. rnd). User send this N1 to me
> 2. I convert N1 to N2 (ex. RSA) and send to user.
> 3. User put N2 to Palm
> 4. Soft compare N1 & N2, and if their right - palm unlock

  5. user then loads your app onto Palm OS Emulator, setting the
     hotsync user name to that they have on the device.. hooks up
     the debugger of their choice (palmdebugger, debuffer etc),
     sets a breakpoint just before your comparison of N1 to N2 -
     and copy down N1 (which, is the registration code)..

> Q:
> 1. This is portect effective?
> 2. What the optimal place, where i can store N1,N2

  this topic has been discussed:


  key point is everything is "crackable" - with the right amount of
  effort.. what you need to do is consider what level of protection
  you need - to suit your support/expectations of sales.

  this topic has been discussed to death tho - you can search the
  archives for a deeper discussion on this topic.. you might even
  find some good flaming going on between a number of users going
  into issued such as licensing et al (myself included) :P

  i believe there was a discussion at the game developer conference
  earlier this year that mentioned software gets 80% of its sales within
  the first few months.. if you can deter them that long, you might have
  a winner :)

  keep in mind, palm software is a different market :) so, the % may
  be higher/lower - depending on the demand/supply of competitive
  products.. :)

// az
http://www.ardiri.com/    <--- free games!

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