> From: Werner Poschenrieder
> Whithin a debug session in metro's ide I downloaded
> an application to POSE.
> The download progress window indicates download to
> 100% but the app doesn't start: There is no more
> response from the ide

I'm not positive, but this may be the problem:

After an app is installed, it is sent a launch code so it can initialize
stuff.  If you attempt to use global vars during this launch code, you can
crash your app (and possibly even Pose).  To make sure this isn't happening,
look carefully at your PilotMain() (or StarterPalmMain(), or whatever) and
make sure that you don't try to access any global vars unless your app is
launched with sysAppLaunchCmdNormalLaunch.  There are a few other launch
codes where globals are available, but most often they are not available.)

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